Anime RPG Faq Version 1.0
The Anime RPG FAQ
Version 1.0
Q: How does this RPG Work
A: In the near future when people who show interest have mailed me
with there character profile I will post the info on their character
on my page. People will go examine the page and find a character that
they would like to have an adventure with. You contact him through e-mail
and make an agreement between the both of you (or 3 er 4 of how many there is)
and arrange a time to go on The Anime/Smoon Java chat.
Q: What If I can't use the Java chat? Does that mean I can't play?
A: Nope. In this case you do the rpg through e-mail. this is actually
better than the java chat because then I can post the adventure on my page
To use the rpg through e-mail you arange a adventure between you and other persons
by contacting them through e-mail. One persons agrees to start the story.
Next people agree the line in wich the RPG will be handed down. (see my phoney rpg down the page)
He starts the stoy and sends a copy of the next person on the list.
Exampile RPG through E-mail:
Warren see's Animeniacs and Skylars profile and decides to start a adventure
with them. He contacts them both through e-mail and asks them if the can play
They reply and say yes. Warren says that he will start the rpg. Animeniac asks to have second right to the RPG So one night Warren sits down and wrights a bit of a story with all three character in it.
the next day he sends the story to Animeniac. Animeniac reads the story and adds on to the story
and then sends it to skylar. Now skylar could end it but then again he could write on it and send it back to
Animeniac to keep going.
Everyone understand? Basically your all comming to gether to wright a big story