Indian Institute of Technology Webring
Welcome to the homepage of IIT Webring. This ring was made to get all IITians under a same ring. The funda is simple get in the ring, and get to know your kindda people. This way you'll be able to keep in touch with the guys (or gals) you used to know, might even find some lost friends (whose email address you knew but where too lazy to ask "What's new?"). You'll be able to know all about the other guys, where they are, what they are doing etc..etc. Moreover they will get to know YOU too! You can even post articles, pictures, links in fact anything related to IIT. Cool!
I came up with this idea after realizing that whole bunch of us are spread all around world, with no means of directly communicating with each other (except for that old alumni list, which gives no indication of the other person). Ain't it time to group ourselves and say "Hey we have our own ring!". After all we are the most happening crowd as far as India is concerned ;)
The idea is too simple.
Tell me you loved it and are
really thankful that it was initiated eh? :)
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