April's Asian Ball-Jointed Dolls

I went a little insane in December/January '11/'12. There were a number of unusual dolls available that totally got to me, despite any and all resistance... Souldoll's new Souloid line was intriguing: android/robot dolls. At first I thought I could resist Iraki. He was way too cute, for one thing, and MSD-sized. But my anti-MSD sized dolls rule had already eroded and I'd just ordered Aphan from Soom, so there went that. And there was just something about the cute-ness of Iraki and the cyborg combination that just got me.

At first I thought of this elaborate back-story about him being part of a notorious robot-army that was not defeated and captured by the victors and he's forced to do the bidding of that government in a ultra-secret capacity, doing all kinds of dirty work--and eventually wants to escape, but to where and what? Now I'm thinking of something more along the lines of his name-sake: Icarus... That he may have tried to fly and failed and ended up with a cyborg body. Who knows? (Like I have time to write stories, these days...) But it's still fun to play with dolls' stories this way.

Many people had a long wait for their Irakis. I was on layaway for part of the time, while Souldoll was backlogged with a number of orders from Christmas Events and with difficulties in casting the Steel skin resin, so it didn't seem bad to me. Plus I had those other dolls I'd ordered to distract me as they gradually came in... I'm happy to have one of the first of these wonderful dolls. Souldoll has started selling two other Souloids, but neither has has Steel Skin so far. (2012.5)


NAME: Ikaros

COMPANY: Souldoll. (Korea based co.)

SIZE: MSD, Mini-sized (~48cm size, Souldoll Souloid size)

MODEL NAME: Iraki (v.3). Limited Edition.


BODY SCULPT: Souloid body

SKIN TONE: White with Steel Skin body

MAKEUP (Faceup): default (modded by me)


PURCHASE DATE: ORDER Date: Dec. 22, 2011, LAYAWAY Paid: Feb. 22, 2012. ARRIVAL DATE: May 14, 2012.

CAME WITH: Fullset: Wig, eyes, faceup, outfit, extra feet (human and souloid).

MODS: I blushed body and altered faceup.


From the "Box Opening" shots--cool logo on box.

Box Opening: Cute blue-striped pillows.

Souloid body-- stands easily.

Interesting sculpt. Apparently not a solid casting, but in pieces. They all fit together amazingly... can't really tell which pieces are pieces...

Poses well enough. I'm not big into posing, anyway. As long as they can do the basics...

With default eyes and wig.

such a poor little lost android boy!

Finally--a photo of him with his default v.3 outfit.

Photoshopped background.




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