The types of ball-jointed dolls has expanded wildly over the past years. And now there's 3D Printing. One of the results of this are the amazing creatures made by Olga Sidorovskaya and her partner. Their cats are probably the most popular. They really made an impact when they first started making them, even though they are not On-Topic for DoA since they aren't resin and aren't humanoid.
They are made of polyamide and 3D printed, although they also make some of resin.
I just couldn't resist these cats... even though I held out maybe a year or so--?
NAME: "Kittibun" (chosen cuz it sounds cute for a Siamese cat)
COMPANY: BJD Pets by Olga, Eve, Eve the Cat, Olga Sidorovskaya (Russia based co.)
SIZE: TIny. 8cm (at shoulder)
HEAD/BODY SCULPT: Open Eyed Oriental.
SKIN TONE/BLUSHING: Chocolate Point. Darker Gradients
PURCHASED FROM: Eve, Eve the Cat, Olga Sidorovskaya--online.
PURCHASE DATE: June 29, 2014.
CAME WITH: Blue oval eyes.
Box Opening.
Box Opening. Right out of the box (paid extra to have him strung).
Box Opening.
Box Opening.
Box Opening.
Box Opening.
With my 78cm Crobidoll G-Line Leo "Tristan".
With my 78cm Crobidoll G-Line Leo "Tristan".
With my 63cm BNB Dae-han "Baekho".