The story of Fifi…
So, Fifi is the cutest dog in the whole world and everyone who
her comments on how beautiful she is. The kids say that they wished
Fifi could have puppies. They would be so adorable and so much fun. After
some careful thought you decide, "Sure why not? The kids would benefit
from the responsibility and it would be fun to have Fifi's babies around
for a few weeks. Maybe we can even make a few dollars." Now just to
find a stud dog and wait until she comes into season.
After browsing through the local paper you see an add for another
cute canine that is standing at stud. He sounds like he would make cute
puppies with Fifi so you call. The stud fee is reasonable.
Fifi comes into season! You introduce her to the father to be
and poof… they breed. In only a couple of months you will have puppies.
Hooray! The kids are so excited!
The day arrives. At 9:00pm Fifi starts panting like crazy….here
come puppies! Or do they? She pushes and pushes but nothing happens. An
hour passes and still no pups. What is happening? The kids begin to worry.
It doesn't happen like this in the wild. Dogs are supposed to do this all
on their own…"piece of cake." As it is now obvious that Fifi
is in distress you call the veterinarian. He suggests bringing her in right
Pacing back and forth in the veterinarian's waiting room, your
eyes open wide as the operating room door opens. "How is Fifi?"
Fifi did not ask to have puppies. If it were her choice she would
not have wanted puppies anyways. She would prefer to be loved by her family,
running, jumping, playing, no pain, no worries…other than how she is going
to coax her owners 3 year old to drop his ice-cream cone. Now she has 15
stitches in her poor little tummy, a litter of puppies that she is too
sore to look after and a fever just short of causing her loss of life.
Not only do her owners have a sick little Fifi to look after they have
7 "adorable, cute, beautiful" puppies to look after, day and
night, around the clock, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for the next several
weeks. Oh yes…and a vet bill for over $500.00! Will this be framed as a
reminder of the "BIG DAY?"
Packing up the crew you and the kids head home…it is 2:00am. You
cant't wait to get home to bed.
Well here you are…Fifi, pups and all. The pups need to be fed…all
7. It takes hours, but thank goodness for the kids. They will enjoy helping
out, after all they were so enthusiastic about having puppies.
After a couple of weeks Fifi is well enough to take over most
of the work with her puppies. Hooray, you can get some sleep now as the
kids lack of interest in the reality of having a litter has placed you
as #1canine nanny.
The pups are now 6 weeks old. Fifi hasn't cleaned up after them
for some time now and the kids refuse to pick up wet soggy paper and puppy
poop. The food bill is running higher than expected and the whining and
barking of hungry, thirsty, messy, demanding, pooches is getting to be
a bit much. After deworming, vaccinations, health checks, stud fees, tattoos,
and registration your pocket book is in the hole!… providing that you
are responsible enough to live up to these finer details. You can't
wait until they are gone!
You place an advertisement in the local paper (another expense)
and wait in anticipation for the phone to ring. After days go by and the
add has almost run out you receive your first call. They are a bit concerned
that your price is too high and ask if you can come down. "No problem,"
you say, as you can't wait to get rid of them.
Taking a fraction of what you anticipated for the little darling,
you barely cover the costs of its vaccinations and registration…never mind
the food, tattooing, etc… One down 6 to go!
As the puppies grow and eat more and more your local SPCA is starting
to stand out in your mind as an option. No! You brought these puppies
into the world it is your responsibility to find them GOOD homes… no
matter the toll it takes on your sanity or how much money drains the family
After weeks pass and each puppy is finally placed in its new home
you count your profits…PROFITS WHAT PROFITS?! Taking into account
all of the vet bills, food costs, advertising, stud fee, and registration,
you have about $100.00 left and a spouse who has had it with dogs period!
The kids avoid the house like the plague in fear of being asked to help
poop scoop and change bedding and after the smell of puppies in your basement
you decide to invest this money wisely. You decide to have Fifi SPAYED!
The family agrees…and so does Fifi.
Woosh…you vow never to do that again and wonder how the breeders
do it. The responsible breeders that is!
This story is not as far "fetched" as you may be thinking.
If you are not sure, I can personally recommend several pet owners who
have lived through…barely surviving similar…in some cases worse, scenarios.
Thousands of pets are destroyed every year because of owners with
good intentions but maybe not so good research. Responsible breeders all
share a common dedication and passion for their breed and dogs in general.
They are a unique breed themselves one might say, for they do not mind
the late nights involved with whelping puppies and having no money for
themselves as it is devoured by their dogs. All their free time (free time?
What is that?)…is spent grooming, cleaning, training, and working with…you
guessed it…their dogs! Could this be you?
It is a fact that 75% of those who have completed their homework,
have the best intentions, and have the time, resources (including financial),
and really do love their breed, last under 5 years in the world of the
breeding dogs. Breeding dogs is a lot of work and lost vacations that one
must be willing to sacrifice in order to be of benefit to their breed.
If you have questions about your commitment in sacrificing your summer
vacation, buying that new car, or a complete restructuring of your daily
routine, the best way you can benefit your breed is to spay and neuter…leaving
the breeding up to us…those short a scruple or two.
If you are serious in breeding after extensive research and inner
self exploration then please call a reputable breeder to help guide and
assist you in your venture of breeding quality purebred dogs. We would
be more than glad to offer our experience and advice to ensure you get
off on the right foot and stay there.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to drop
us a line. We would love to hear from you.
April Brooks
Cairnbrook reg.
Picutures of Happy Healthy Spayed/Neutered Pets...
Owners...Happy Pets...
If you know of a spayed or neutered canine you would like to
see on our list please send us a photo (via email) and a brief description.
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