My Friends

I would like to introduce you to some of my friends that have entered my life. Before I continue if I forget anyone please FORGIVE me now and I will try and get you in at another time.

There is (2C) Who always seemed to need me to keep her awake at work on Saturdays {lots of UhOhs}!
Then There is {DiceGirl} A real Lady That Took time from Friends to talk to me when I was Down one day.
{PrincessSerina} I am Glad That you Have Found yourself a Fine Man to Spend your Life with...You Deserve it Love you.
{Fantasy}...Who Can ever forget Her....The First Bartender in Many Rooms That Loves to Have Fun and Yet Is a Very Sensitive Lady.
{Doll}...Queen of the Duhs...LOL and Needs Help With her Spelling all the Time...Wonderful Friend that Loves All Nighters. KISSS and HUGGS
{SweetSpirited} You have Made me Laugh So many times....Also you have Such a Sweet Personality.Wish we could spend more time talking but with our Busy Schedules we never know when we can talk and Laugh Together.
{annie} A real LADY that is Really Missed by all her Friends specially when she has trouble staying connected.I can never thank you enough For helping me get through the one night with the Depression.
{Jazmine} There are no words to describe what you mean to everyone with your Laughter and your OMG's and Your Wild and Crazy times with Peg.
{Peg} The Other half of the Dynamic Duo....Always Bringing Laughs with her into the Chat Rooms and Those Legs....WOW
{Alliy} A Lady that Loves Long Stories and Fun.Maybe you should Build a Resort of your own......LOL
{Mickey} Did you ever Catch minniemouse?
{nana} Busy with her Favorite Business how do you find time to Chat??? Do you still need a Secretary???
{coolgal} up every morning and wanting to eat breakfast with me and yet won't eat sausage and eggs...but loves pancakes.
{Jasmine} the Evil Twin of Jazmine (or is it the other way?) You will have to tell us the truth someday.
{LoisLane} The Gal that loves to KISS and Great at it TOO!!!!!!!! She also Killed SuperMan for putting a Run in her Hose while saving the World.
{Gloria} another sweet lady and friend
{Rachel} Lives close to me and Loves a good bath or shower wooohooo.. LOL
{Scarlett} Lady that is a Rabid Broncos Fan and yet Spoke up for Chiefs one night when I was not around to defend them. Maybe some day You will decide to Be a fan for the Best team the KC Chiefs....LOL
{PuffyD} He has it so BADDDDDDDDDDD for Scarlett They both have ICQ and yet can never find each other.....LOL
{FlameDncr} My Signing Partner that has a Hot Personality and May Burn you with her HOT Lips if you ever Kiss her. Hope to kiss her in real someday to find out for sure....LOL
{wildkitten}....a funloving lady and a real tame cat...meow babe.
{kggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg} Hey Babe there are no words to describe you..... Love you.
{Penumbra} Love when I am in Wcool and you can't get in then you use me to try and get in and so I get alot of ICQ time with you very PC kind of things.........
{WallyJ} the Youngest person in Wcool at only twee years old and loves pasghetti and making all the rules for the chat room. Never forget rule #345 section B.
{WIngsFan} KC Chiefs #1 fan in the chat rooms and will never change. {Red} Our resident Sexy Soldier and Spelling Checker
There is also Peaches, Sugar, Tiger, bitOhoney, birdie, and too many more to name or remember.
