Pacey Witter

Pacey Witter is the clown in Capeside. He claims that he is the embarassment to his family. He is so damn witty, ever show is so funny mostly because of his. He does so many things that get him in trouble, from Saturday detentions to stealing the family car. "You don't steal from family. You borrow."
He and Joey are constantly fighting. And Dawson's his best friend in the world, in charge of keeping Pacey in line 50% of the time. But, even Dawson couldn't stop Pacey from having an affair with his English teacher.

Quotes    from    Pacey

    "Well. Well. My mouth drops."
    "Listen. I have three miserablely diverse sisters. Cosmo is my 
    "Confused, perplexed, bewilded, mistified. A theauraus of emotion."
    "Just to set the record striaght, I'm a firm believer that sometimes 
    it's right to do the wrong thing."
    "Father's are weird creatures, you know that."
    Pacey: I got the girl this time, Dawson.
    Dawson: What?
    Pacey: Yeah. Call it the law of averages, call it an act of god,
    call it whatever you want. I got her."

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You stop by Joey's restuarant before stopping home.