Orchestral music was playing over the speaker, as Gerald looked down at his feet. Through the talking and moving, you could only catch pieces here and there. It might not even be music. He looked down at his Converse. Stared into space and twirled that little string that hung out from where the heel had worn through. He always had a habit of twirling that same piece of string. He turned and looked out the window as the train emerged from the dark tunnel it had been coasting through. He looked out and saw a couch lying in the ditch coming beside his window. How odd Gerald thought. It doesn't seem at place where it was, yet the wear and tear, the rain-soaked armrests and missing cushion promised it had been there for a while. Someday someone would come and take it in a grand scheme to clean the great city. To rid it of trash. Yet, more likely, just move it out of the rich peoples eyes. Gerald felt like that couch. Oddly trying to feel at home in a place he should not be, and wasn't wanted. The train slowed. Gerald got up in contemplation, and hazily headed for the long silver pole to brace him. This was his stop. Dorrian Street. He got off the train as people started boarding. There were always more people going to the poor side than the rich side this time of night. He entered the herd and corralled his way up the steps with the others. At the top he smelled the desolation of his neighborhood. Spare change...spare change?" a man stood near the exit droned He hoped to get the working class when they returned. Gerald walked past him and said "sorry". Three blocks down the road Gerald passed the church he saw every day. It was his signal to turn right. On the corner sat a homeless man huddled in his jacket. Gerald reached in his pocket and produced a small amount of change. He dropped it into the man's deteriorating coffee cup, and turned right. ***END OF PART SEVEN***