SERAPHIM by John Rohner:

Part Nine

   She pulled the soggy burger from it's 
foggy cellophane.  After one bit, she knew 
this dinner would take some work to get down.  
She took another bite, and immediately washed 
it down with her drink.  It was terrible!  
She continued this ritual for another few 
bites.  The burger was so bad that it made 
her screwdriver taste bad.  She decided she 
couldn't have that happening.  She opened her 
second screw, and glanced over at the boy.  
He was looking, all right.  She gave him little 
flirtatious smile.  Oh, Sera, you dog! She 
laughed. She continued to slug her drink.  
She cracked her third much quicker.  This 
time she looked at the boy again.  He was 
fidgeting to look calm, making himself look 
much too nervous.  She blew a kiss his way.  
She was having fun.  That little twerp 
probably had a hard on already, she laughed.  
The drink had reached its end.  Maybe it 
was the lack of sleep, or three drinks in 
fifteen minutes, but she couldn't resist the 
temptation.  She unbuttoned the top button 
on her jersey, and stood up.  She walked like 
a cat past the boy, adding a wink to her 
repertoire.  The kid was sweating.  She 
scaled the steps back down to the cafeteria.

   She walked back over to "her" cooler.  
She reached in and extracted two beers and 
two margarita-in-a-cans.  The lady at the 
cash register was not nearly as friendly as 
the last man, and even requested to see her 
(fake) I.D.  With that taken care of, she 
unbuttoned yet another button, so her shirt 
was now more than half off.  She climbed the 
stairs.  When she appeared again in the 
"sunshine" room, she headed directly to the

   As she neared, she saw his eyes widen.  
He looked around to see where she was 
actually going.  She walked directly to his 
table.  When she arrived, she bent down over 
the whole table, nearing the boy's face.  
The way she was positioned, it was impossible 
not to look her shirt.  She wanted to give 
the boy a view.  Not just the kind of secret 
glance you sometimes get, but a real one.  
She dared him not to look.  Past her 
overflowing cups of her black bra, all the 
way down to her stomach.  She watched his 
eyes.  They looked, and then shot up to her 
own, as if he never did.  She watched this 
person squirm in front of her.  She felt 
powerful.  "Let's go." she whispered. 
"M..M..Me?" the kid barely spoke.  
Sera grabbed him by his shirt and led him 
from the cabin.  She pulled him like a 
little puppy into the girls' bathroom.  
There she locked the door, and gave him a 
blowjob he would remember for the rest of 
his life, even fifty years from now.

   As soon as the young lad was...finished.  
They exited the bathroom.  An angry looking 
lady was standing there waiting for use of 
the bathroom.  It would have been hard to 
explain, had they even tried.  They walked 
right past her, back into the dining car.  
They sat at Sera's table, where her sweater 
still lie.  The boy declined a beer.  Sera 
wondered to his real age.  She then wondered 
if she had doomed him.  "So, where you 
headed?" Sera asked, opening a beer.  
"Going down to Florida with my mom, to see 
my dad." he replied, "How 'bout you?  What 
are you doing?"  Sera thought a minute, and 
said, "You see, I'm the angel of death.  
Yep, and I'm trying to outrun my destiny, 
I believe."

   "Cool!" the boy said.  "Yup, cool." Sera 
replied, and continued drinking her beer.  
She finished the beer, and opened the other 
one.  "I gotta go now, but ,hey, good luck, 
and...uh..thanks!" the boy grated.  
"See ya later, sooner or later" Sera replied, 
and watched over her beer can, as the lad 
stumbled out of the room.  'I hope he lives 
to tell his friends in school that story!' 
she giggled.  Finishing the beer, she 
grabbed the little cans and headed back to 
"her" cabin.

   As she sat down and leaned back, she 
noticed the old man wasn't snoring anymore.  
She opened her margarita and lifted it above 
her, towards the top bunk and toasted the man, 
and his life.  She was starting to feel 
different about life and death now, and it 
wasn't the booze.  The train started slowing 
to a stop.  Sera grabbed her bags, and exited 
the cabin.  She didn't even consider looking 
at the man; she knew where he was. 


Go on to part Ten

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