Welcome to VMB-413 (AW3 Gamestorm)

VMB-413 is the bomber arm of VF-17. It is modeled after the first marine squadron to fly PBJs (do NOT refer to this bird as a blue B-25 .. do NOT for that matter notice that it looks green ;->). PBJs are torpedo capable, this is a good thing. PBJs are capable of level bombing, this, also , is a good thing. PBJs can carry up to 4 gunners, this is INDEED a good thing. PBJs may not be A-26's or even B-17s, but that is not neccesarily a bad thing. The main thing is- PBJs are under the jurisdiction of the Navy and they are flown by Marine aviators and THAT, my friends, is the BEST thing. If you love to BUFF, if you love to jam a torp into the side of a carrier, if you just plain love to go against all odds and come out on top and grinnin from ear to ear ( or if you wanna just fly PBJs for us).. this is the place for you! Contact the C.O. of VF-17 for details about this command: . Thanks for your undivided attention.. at ease... have a cold one. - Lcdr ArloG (VF-17's liaison officer for tenant commands)

Click on link for additional data

PBJ-1 (Naval Version of the B-25): more information
Carrier Scouting Report of BigPac: Covers # of Cvs and BBs in task force, heading and location
C.A.F.'s Dispatch "North American PBJ": "Don't call it a blue B-25 within earshot of a Marine!"
C.A.F.'s Dispatch "VMB-413 Oral Histories": First hand accounts from 2 members of VMB-413

Squadron roster

This squadron is currently in a state of formation and is recruiting members from the C.O. down. If you think that you would like to command VMB-413, contact VF-17's skipper or myself and we should be able to set you up.

VMB-413 Bombing Rules of Conduct


1. Don't attack undefended bases, unless it's obvious that the enemy has the resources to divert to it's defense (use common sense- if the arena roster shows the enemy country to have fewer pilots than us, then they probably don't have the resources).Training is to be conducted either off-line or in the training arena .

2. Don't conduct bombing raids if there's hardly anyone in the arena. (same as above - a total roster count of below 60 or 20 per country may be used as a guideline).

3. Deliberate crashing/bailing is not acceptable. Practice proper evasion technique and do whatever it takes to try to return your craft and crew to a friendly base.

4. Respect is earned but not always given. Do not allow yourself to be harrassed by AirWarrior Fighter pilots into verbal situations (in or out of the arena) that would end up demeaning your status in the long run,let your deeds prove your point.

5. If the enemy's only got 6 bases left due to some major land grab, leave them alone and go get the other country's bases instead.


1. Attack any base that is launching an offensive against your country.

2. Attack at any altitude you can get hits from. If a target's defenders make the mistake of being low, that's their misfortune and your opportunity for a 20+k attack. (Remember that you CAN get too high to effectively bomb.)

3. Don't just hit maintenance or fuel or ammo. Hit a combo and make it harder for them to fix things.

4. Bring escorts or take gunners. Dogfighting in a buff may be kinda fun but it's not too realistic. Evasives are ok, but let's not go overboard.

5. Combined operations with escorts and/or fighter-bombers is encouraged as is the practice of formation flying.

6. Remember, you have a standing billet with VF-17 and are not only welcome but encouraged to fly fighters (nothing goes further to earn a fighter pilot's respect than showing how well you can dish out the same.)

~~~( Thanks goes to "Axe4u", who developed the basis for this code of conduct)~~~~