I was born on Sept. 14, 1983 in Louisiana.  Really not much to it.
But what is there to say about me?  Mainly that people just don't understand
what makes me tick.  Sometimes I don't even know what causes me to do the
things I do.  But it's not bad stuff!  I'm a big fan of science fiction,
(as you cyberfans can clearly see) but I also love a good horror story from time
to time.  Stephen King & Anne Rice are the coolest!  My favorite horror-film screen-
writer is Kevin Williamson.  He's the one to thank for the SCREAM & I KNOW WHAT YOU DID
LAST SUMMER series', & most recently, THE FACULTY.  I would LOOOOVE to work with him one
	 I'm also a humungo computer nut.  To me, computers are not the enemy
(unless they freeze up.)  I think of them as a tool to connect with other people(like
my motley of CT buddies=:) as well as release creative juices(like typing up
stories or creating webpages.)  Computers are just good.
	As I mentioned earlier, I love writing.  I love writing my own stories, or writing song
parodies.  Which also brings me to another fave pasttime-seeing plays, as well as trying to
write them. I would LOOOOOOVE to be in "Rent" one day, it's the absolute most-awesome play EVER!!!  
I also like acting.  I haven't been succesful in getting roles in school plays yet,
but I'm working on it!
	Movies and television are important too.  Ever since I was little, I
was drawn to TV & movies.  I have some fond memories of when I'd just sit
for hours in the rec room, drawing with my huge box of crayons & watching
a good movie.  What was a good movie?  STAR WARS!
	I grew up on SW basically.  I saw STAR WARS when I was three, and then I
saw THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK, then RETURN OF THE JEDI, & pretty soon I was hooked.
Now I'm known as 'Jedi' by most of my closest buds.  I go by 'Crow' too, becuase
my buddy Ru claims I have his sarcastic humor=>
	MST3K.  It introduced me to the 'not-so-distant future', distracting me from
'galaxies far far away.'  Mike Nelson, Crow T. Robot, & Tom Servo have long since
become a part of my vocabulary.  It also helped me find the Caption This! website,
where I found not just a fun activity that exercised my sarcasm, but also an
introduction to some of my closest friends-the Captioners.
	My friends are super-important to me too.  I care about each & every one very much.
I'd do anything for them.  After all, they've been there most of the times I've really
needed them.  Two of my closest friends are Rachael & Jenny, aka Ru & Joker.  They are like
the sisters I never had.  We can tell each other anything, we do everything together..I guess
you could say we three are joined at the hip. We're all so much alike, it's uncanny!  Ru is sorta
shy like I am, & Joker loves to sing like I do.  All three of us love to shop, watch CATS DON'T DANCE & belt
out the songs, & we all love to eat a whole large pizza by ourselves, & drink so much Dr. Pepper you'd think
we'll explode!  We draw anime cartoons & Furries 'till our hands are sore, & we watch SOUTH PARK like there's
no tomorrow.  We chatter into the wee morning hours when we get together...we're just a typical trio of best 
	I also have three good friends at school.  Ashley G.(the normal one), & Andree & Kristen, aka Roach & Spray
(the not-so-normal ones.)  Ash is the sweetest, most kind person I know.  I don't think I've EVER fought with her
once!  And she doesn't fight with others.  She's just so nice to everyone=)  But Roach & Spray...well, they ARE nice
people, but they're VEEERY off-the-wall.  They make weird noises, they worship Conan O'Brien, & they love 'biology'
(if I told the whole story behind that, they'd kill me!)  Still, I don't know what I'd do without them.  They're great
friends=)  Life would be pretty scary without those two, as well as Ash, & ESPECIALLY Ru & Joker!  My life has been greatly
enriched by knowing them.
I guess I'm basically a thinker on life.  I analyze everything, I look for key points in things that happen, for meaning in
 those events; I worry about others and how I could make things better.  Maybe I think too much, I dunno.  My coach tells me that all
the time anyway. [A fellow SW fan]he tells me not to let things bother me; just let things come; don't worry so much; RELAX!  Pretty
good advice.  Whenever I get stressed, I remember his advice & instantly feel better.  It's 'advice for every Jedi' as he says.
	I guess that's part of being a 'Jedi.'  You have to use your mind.  But sometimes emotions get in the way, the very thing Yoda 
warned Luke about in EMPIRE.  I guess it's just all part of being a teen.  Everything in life is complicated.

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