Vampire RPG hints.

So, you died. Almost. Big mistake. However, all is not lost. Sure, the
Camarilla wants you, the Sabbat wants you, and everyone else wants you,
and if you don't join them, they want you dead (again).

Generally, you want to lay low. The fewer Kindred that know of you,
the better. In an ideal scenario, only the Prince (or other head
honcho if you're not Camarilla) and your sire know of you. Be SURE the
neccessary authorities know of your existence. Otherwise you have as
much chance of surviving as a Salubri in a Tremere chantry. 

Another important thing to remember is that the Masquerade would have
been done away with long ago if it didn't work. Broadcast your
existance, and you'll have mortal hunters beating down your door. How
would you like your stake?

Advice on playing each of the Clans:

Assamites: No Kindred blood, hmm? Well, who's fault is that? The
Tremere! So how do we get back at them? Learn Thaumaturgy, dress
like a warlock, and act like a kook. Any questions?

Brujah: Look at those little wusses out there. They think that just
because they have fangs they own the night. Well, you'll show 'em!
You'll show 'em all! And Potence doesn't really break the Masquerade,
come to think of it...

Caitiff: Don't worry. Just because you're weak in the blood doesn't
mean anything. You're still a vampire, right? You have just as much
right to undeath as the next one. The Sabbat and the Camarilla can
both stick their respective beliefs someplace unpleasant. You're a
creature of the night.

Gangrel: Protean is the name of the game. With Earthmeld, you can sink
into the ground so close to dawn that any Kindred following you won't
survive to tell about it. Keep your humanity high and sleep in the
woods. If the Lupines don't get you, you'll be fine.

Ghouls: Best of both worlds, eh? Remember to drink from multiple vamps.
Without the Jyhad hanging over your head, you'll be a bit safer...yeah,
right. I makes you the perfect pawn for any Clan that stops to think
about it. Oh, yeah, and don't drink too much from any one clan.
Malkavians and Nosferatu are both particularly bad ideas...

Hunters: In a word, Numina. Let's face it, you're a HUMAN fighting
MONSTERS. You've gotta be some sorta superhero, or the "bad guys" are
gonna wipe you out before you get a dot in the Lore pertaining to them.

Lasombra: Scheming is good. Plotting is good. The Jyhad means more to
you than many other Clans, because you're saving them from it. They
should all be kissing your feet. Without you, they'd be at the mercy
of the antediluvians.

Malkavian: Now you guys are fun. Obfuscate works wonders when hiding
from nasty things that want to kill you, even if they're just
hallucinations. Make no sense, regardless of how much the rest of the
group complains. Play pranks that make no sense at first, but result
in saving everyone's unlives. This should net you a small group of
loyal friends you can use as shields when the proper time comes.

Nosferatu: Again, use Obfuscate. Information should be your stock in
trade, so get as much as you can. Your goal in this is to become too
valuable to kill. Also, as per Brujah, Potence doesn't always break
the Masquerade.

Ravnos: Go to an Elysium. Take anything that isn't nailed down. Go
back the next night with a crowbar, and take everthing that IS nailed
down. The next night, steal anyone stupid enough to show up. See how
many Malkavians wish they'd thought of it. Use those malks as shields
against Kindred without a sense of humor.

Toreador: Fight? You? Never! YOU are an artist! You cannot be bothered
with petty squabbles...not to mention you could get HURT in those
petty squabbles. Better to stay out of such things. Get a paramour
(preferably one you don't care for) to romantically champion you in
combat. Even if you don't think (s)he can win. ESPECIALLY if you don't
think (s)he can win...

Tremere: Mystery and magic are what the Tremere are all about.  Maybe
they aren't as good with magic as us mages, but they certainly aren't
anything I'd want to have to deal with. I've worked with  Tremere, and
they aren't as solidified as a Clan as they let on. There are quite a
few dissidents. If you are one (and who isn't?), there are others out
there. Never give up. Just deny everything (and I do mean EVERYTHING...)
and they'll think you're the good little pawn they Embraced you to be.

Tzimisce: Vissicitude is fun! By changing shape, you can become 
someone your enemies respect.

Ventrue: Like the Toreador, you're not a fighter. You are more
interested in having your lessers (bodyguards, ghouls, Kindred of
other Clans) take the brunt of those who don't want you around. And be
sure that the blood you like is something you can always find.
Starvation isn't fun...