To control your strength, you must first learn Discipline...

So, you're looking to increase your abilities? Maybe learn a trick or two
that'll show that high-and-mighty Ventrue who's REALLY in charge or make
that Brujah think twice about mugging you? Well, here's what we've got,
not that I'm sure you can learn it before those Lupines get here...

Dark Thaumaturgy 

(This is a seperate Discipline from regular Thaumaturgy, yet it can 
also be used to gain Thaumaturgical Rituals and Thaumaturgical Paths, 
in much the same way as regular Thaumaturgy. Also, a character can know 
both types of Thaumaturgy through Experience Point expenditure.)

O Imminent Threat

At this level, the Dark Thamauturgist can sense when there is an 
immediate threat to their own person without fail. This differs from 
Level 1 Auspex, in that, it applies only to the Warlock, and not the 
entire Coterie. This becomes useful later when things the 
Thaumaturgist summons do not remain friendly towards him.

OO Ghoul Bane

At this level of ability, the Dark Thaumaturgist's presence 
unnerves Ghouls, and he is unable to keep any of his own. All Ghouls 
need to make Willpower rolls to stay in his presence at a Difficulty 
of 6. This immediately turns to an 8 Difficulty if the Warlock should 
for any reason turn his attention towards them. The Willpower roll is 
Difficuty 9 if the Ghoul is told to perfom some action that directly 
involves the Kindred with this ability.

OOO Foul Vitae

At this level of ability, the Warlock is able to actually foul 
the Lifeforce contained in Vitae. Within Kindred and Ghouls, 
the result is a number of Blood Points that are clotted and lifeless, 
and must be purged from the system, before they are replaced. Doing so 
results in a level of Damage for each point purged. This damage is 
Aggrevated in Ghouls. The Warlock carrying out this must roll 
Manipulation+Occult at a Difficulty of the Blood Points to be Fouled 
plus 4. Physical contact is needed to affect kindred, but not a Ghoul,
where eye contact will suffice.

OOOO Life Influence

With this skill, Kindred are able to actually influence the 
underlying forces that give Vitae its power, Chi. At this level of 
ability, the warlock has an understanding of the powers and usage of 
Chi, something most Thaumaturgists overlook. The Thaumaturgist can, 
with a touch, change a large amount of a target's Chi into the
polar opposite form of energy, Dark or Light. This is most 
effective against Ghouls and Kine, although it has been known to work 
against Kindred from the East, and Cainties with an extremely high 
Humanity rating. If subject loses all their Light Chi, they also take 
look like one of the Undead (if they were Human), their aura will register 
like Kindred, and they will become extremely sickly. They are not able 
to heal themselves by any means, natural or Supernatural. This 
condition persists until some individual converts the Dark Chi back 
into Light. The same condition occurs with users of Dark Chi 
(Kindred), but they lose all their Supernatural powers as well (No 
Discipline use, no use of Blood Points for Physical Attribute raising, 
or healing with Blood Points). The user of this power rolls 
Manipulation+Empathy at a Difficuly of the number of Blood Points to 
be changed plus 2 to utilize this ability. While using this Power, the 
Warlock's Aura contains the black strains of a Diabolist. These 
strains are seen to be connected and manipulating the aura of the 

OOOOO Life Pattern

With this technique, the Dark Thamaturgist is able to 
systematically take apart a Ghoul or Kine on a cellular level, and 
reconstruct it in almost any manner desired, be it a change in gender, 
hair color, skin color, nature, demeanor, or aura. For each change 
made from the original, the Caineite must roll Intelligence+Occult any 
sucess means the change occured. A failure means that particular 
change did not happen, and the magus must move on to the next change 
to be made. A Botch means that a severe abberation has occured, and 
the entire operation is a failure. This differs from Vicissitude in 
that the subject falls apart after 4 days, killing it in the process.


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