Ashen Rose
Got a Numina I don't?
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New Numina


This is the mystic art of changing shape through force of will. Any
use of it costs at least one point of Willpower. At the lower levels,
the effects mimic the abilities of other creatures, while at the
upper levels dramatic body alterations take place. The roll is
Stamina+Psychomorphy. Duration is as follows: 1 success=1 round,
2=5 rounds, 3=25 rounds, 4=1 scene, 5=1 story. 

O: Sense of Beast

For each success, the caster can enhance one sense in one way. For
example, 2 successes could grant enhanced night vision, as a cat,
and supersensitive hearing, like a fox, or they could both be spent
on sight, the second one going towards the distance vision of a hawk.
Of course, other abilities are possible involving any of the five

OO: Tooth and nail

The difficulty is 7. Each success grants the user one form of body
weaponry. These body weapons are like those wielded by supernatural
creatures, and cause aggravated damage.

OOO: Lick the Wound

Difficulty 7. Each success heals the user of one Health Level of
non-aggravated damage that has been taken in the current scene.

OOOO: Lesser Psychomorphy

Difficulty 8. The number of successes determines the amount of change
the user's body can undergo. Maximum is Crinos or a similar shape at
5 successes. The number of successes must be equalled or exceeded on
a later roll to return to human form.

OOOOO: Greater Psychomorphy

Difficulty 9. As Lesser Psychomorphy, with two differences. Two bonus
successes are gained if the use is successful. These successes only
are counted when determining how far they can shift. Also, a total of
7 successes (5 rolled successes) allows the user to achieve a full
animal form. See Mage: the Ascension for warnings about staying in an
animal form.