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Thaumaturgy Rituals

These rituals are brought to you courtesy of Carl Sangre, a (VERY) low
Generation Tremere. With a high mastery of Thaumaturgy, he personally
guarantees the effectiveness of these rites. If you have any complaints,
take them up with him. If you're not afraid of a Tremere with over twenty
Thaumaturgy Paths, that is.

Level 1 Rituals:

The Ritual of Rending

The Caster makes a rough circle out of ashes, and then scatters salt 
over its area. near the end of the Ritual, the Path Ability of Mythos 
Summoning is activated, as the Caster slices his wrist open with a 
prepared dagger. At least 1 Blood Point is then poured into the 
circle. The more blood expended in this manner, the more powerful the 
resulting creature responds to the calling. Upon completion of the 
Ritual, the Summoned creature forms out of the blood, ashes, salt, 
leaving the area clear except a sticky residue.
(Submitted by Rath Redeye)

Level 2 Rituals:

Circle of Protection from Beyond

The aim of this Ritual is to protect the caster against that which 
they shall summon, using the path of Mythos Summoning, if he loses 
control. The Ritual is accomplished by spreading ground Quartz in a 
solid circle about the area to be protected. This Ritual is permanent 
until the circle is broken or something is summoned from within its 
boundaries. The presnce of an Elder sign magnifies the power of the 
circle, keeping even Great Cthulhu and the other Old Ones at bay.
(Submitted by Rath Redeye)

Level 3 Rituals:

Dark Sacrifice

This Ritual allows a least servitor creature to be sacrificed instead 
of a human when another Ritual or Path calls for one. Beware: if this
is used to Summon that which the creature served, its Master is bound
to be upset. However, if more than two sucesses are rolled while using
the Path of Mythos Summoning(qv), and the sacrifice was not a servitor
of the one called, the Being will most likely take pleasure with the
caster's sadism, and serve him well.
(Submitted by Rath Redeye)

Level 5 Rituals:

Create Elder Sign

This Ritual creates the much-vaunted Elder Sigil, a source of great 
Eldritch Power. The components are one rod of metal and one sentient 
being (Preferably Human, if the Sigil is to be used on this plane of 
existence.) The only absolute requirement of this Ritual is that the 
metal rod be compeletely of one type of metal, and NOT an ALLOY. There 
fore, steel Brass, and Bronze are not suitable for use. Suggested 
ellements are: Copper, Gold, Silver. For reasons of difficulty in 
transport, Alkaline metals should be avoided. The Ritual is carried 
out by calling out the names of all the Great Old Ones (requiring a
Rating of 5 in Cthulhu Mythos Lore) in ascending level of power. As
this is done, the metal rod will become white hot, and bend itself
into the pentacle and flaming eye of the Elder Sign. At close of the
ceremony, the metal to be cooled with the life blood of the one to be
sacrificed. This seals power over the Greal Old Ones.
(Submitted by Rath Redeye)