
An Altar is simple piece of furniture Witches use to place their magickal tools and other important things. Such tools include an Athame, a Chalice, or a Wand...and several others. An altar is needed to perform rituals, prayers, and spells and other similar things. These tools must also be put in a certain area of the altar. An altar can be a glass table, a small peice of oak furniture, or something small dresser. Oak wood is prefered and any kind of wood is best. Here is the list of tools needed for an altar...

Athame- small double edged knife or dagger mainly used to cast circles

Chalice- a goblet or glass.

Pentacle- five pointed star, normally with a circle around it.

Censer and Insence- the censer holds the insence which are used different rituals.

Salt- a small cup or bowl of salt is needed.

Water- a small cup or bowl of water is also needed.

Wand- Needed to cast circles.

Candles or Goddess/God idols- used in certain rituals or other uses.

White-Handle Knife- used for cutting, not intended for the athame.

Well, this is all I can think of right now, and I apologize that the definitions aren't that well but it was the best I could do at the moment.


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