Air Associated with the east and the rising sun. Represents thought, intellectual processes, intruitive and psychic work. Wind. The breath and body. The sense of smell. Animals: anything that flies; birds, insects. The athame (dagger) is the tool of air.
Fire Associated with the south and the noonday sun. Represents passion and will, purification, sexuality. The sun. The heat of the body. The sense of sight. Animals: lions, dragons, phoenix. The wand is the tool of fire.
Water Associated with the west and the setting sun. Represents emtion and intuition, love and sorrow. The ocean. The womb and blood. The sense of taste. Animals: anything that swims; fish, dolphins, and whales. The chalice is the tool of water.
Earth Associated with the north and midnight. Represents the physical world, stability, practality, silence. The mountains. The bones of the body, the sense of touch. Animals: anything solid or earth dwelling; bulls, the stag, worms, moles. The pentacle (disk, stone) is the took of earth.
Spirit/Center/Akasha The isn't an element like the others; rather, it's the life energy that extends through and joins all of them. It is associated with the center of the circle, and eternity. It represents transcendence and immanence, the void, the presence of Deity, the spirit of the body, the sense of hearing or intuition. The cauldron is the tool of spirit.