***HuNgRy FoR L7***

Welcome to my L7 page. I don't have much on L7, but you can get the Bricks Are Heavy lyrics here. They're not complete, though. I might have the Hungry For Stink lyrics soon. Speaking of L7, I bought their HFS cassette, and I listened to it recently kinda loud and noticed that between Baggage and Can I Run, there are voices, seemingly the band, saying, "Did you hear that?" and "What?" Does anyone else notice this? Oh well.

L7 Articles
Jennifer Finch's Lollapalooza Tour Diaries
The lyrics to the song after "Lorenza, Giada, Alessandra"
L7 Links

JETT. A great L7 page, complete with articles, tour dates, tour diaries, links, etc. The equivalent of the Drownsoda Hole Pages, except in L7.

SmElL tHe MaGiC Not a very complete L7 page, even though the Yahoo! link promises tour dates and more, it comes only with a bio, disc., and lyrics. But then, the main page is so kewl you have to accept this L7 page.

Sorry, but this page is under construction!

Coming up...tour dates, bio, .... whatever I can fit in!

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