Join me then, on a quest to find Nifty the magical genie. I have a map of his whereabouts, but the path is treacherous, and the obstacles many. Here is the map of how to get to Nifty, the magical genie.
Let's be off then. Fist we must navigate the cave of the evil anti-genie Magus. Let's take the cart...hurry!
Well, we got through that alive. Oh no! It's the gate keepers for the land in which Nifty resides. We must be careful to avoid them.
It seems that there is no way around the gate keepers. Maybe we can put them to sleep with a chilled melody.
It worked! The map says that Nifty is through this cave. Hopefuly there's nothing harmful in here.....Oh no! It's that big boulder from Raiders of the Lost Arc! Run for your lives!!!
Phew! We made it.
Hey, there's Nifty, the magical genie!
Nifty the magical genie says: "Since you have come to such great lenths to find me, I will grant you wishes. The more people who know about this page, the more magic I can congure. If you send this page on ICQ to:

0-5 People - No wish for you!

6-10 People - You will be granted 1 wish that will come true in one week.

11-20 People - You will be granted 2 wishes which will come true in 5 days

21 or more - You will be granted 3 wishes which will come true in 2 days

Thus speaks Nifty!"

After you have earned your wishes...

My homepage: Go here please!

This genie has granted wishes