Stuff you can go to!!!
A very cool word game/chat room. You can play it from your very home. And it's free! That's right, it doesn't cost a penny to play. That's good, 'cause I like pennies, and I wanna keep mine.
How are you feeling today?
Very funny page. Check it out!
Comedy Central!
It's where you go to get happy, if you want. Feeling down? Go here to pump up on happiness!
The Illusion Of 'Da Kewl People
My friend Tracy's page. OK, stop in and sign the guest book, please. It'll make everyone at bit more happier.
Dan Moscovitz's page
A pretty cool page. Check out the games section!
Ask Jeeves
A very good, user friendly search engine. Give it a try. Ask Jeeves!
Mirabilis ICQ homepage
This is one of the coolest things on the net ever! It's an instant messenger program, with a realtime chat function, random user finder, et cetera. Here's my ICQ #10822095
Greg's Simpsons page
A very good Simpsons page, tons of downloads, graphics, and info.
Spazzoid's NES stuff
Probably the best 8-bit NES page I've ever seen. It takes at least 2 or 3 days to enjoy the whole site. It's very cool.
The Semantic Rhyming Dictionary
A search engine for rhymes. Type in a word, and it gives you all possible rhymes for it. Sadly, nothing rhymes with orange.
Mr. T vs...
A funny page with Mr. T kicking @$$. Watch him beat up Hanson, the Spice Girls (twice!), Kathy Lee Gifford, and more!
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They're good, but really....who needs those pages. Come back to mine.