This is...Spinner

This... is me, Russell L. Spinner. It is about my life in general, and little picky things that no one knows or cares about. Little things that I do almost everyday, that I think are sorta interesting. Ok, start reading.

I live in East Stroudsburg, PA, USA. I'm around 6'1, 6'2, and weigh, about 160 lbs. naked (but you can never trust those department store scales).

I love humor, especialy dry humor. I espeicialy like the Far Side, and Monty Python. Check out my movie page for some movies by MP. If anyone has a joke, I'm more than willing to listen, 99% of the time. I have even started a "Joke a Day" board in the school cafeteria. I haven't kept up with it alot, but I think the jokes are neat (when/if I put them up).

I am also a video game fiend. I love to play them, most of the time. I just got the Nintendo 64. It's great! I had saved for about 3 years to get it. I like the games James Bond, Super Mario, and Star Fox for the N64. For SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System), I like super Mario World, Zelda, Saturday Night Slam Masters, and the Donkey Kong Trilogy. For NES, I like Bionic Commando, River City Ransom, Super Mario 2, Double Dragon 2, Kung Fu, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trilogy.

I like all kinds of music. Basicaly anything except country and most oldies. My current favorites are Smash Mouth, Busta Rhymes, No Doubt, Queen, Sublime, Duran Duran, and old Billy Joel.

I like to fool around with the computer, being a novice, but self taught, computer programmer. More than once have I accedentaly deleted files from the computer that the computer needed to operate. Ooops.

I love to make videos, and film things. I like to make videos of funny skits, that I star in along with my friends. Very low tech. Like my movies, "Attack of the killer pool cleaners", "The Volleyball of Death", "Go get the mail", "Russell VS Russell, One on One", and "Look! It's a Bird!". Weird, huh? I got a video camera on Christmas '97, and I've been making pretty good use of it. I need to get a new battery, because I use up the one I have, and then have to wait for an hour for it to charge. Then I'm "out of the mood" to continue the video. I guess when I get the ideas, I need to do them all at once, with no breaks.

I am a bit of a poetry writer, story writer, and comic writer. You can see some of the poems that I've found around my house on my writings page. I don't crank out poems or stories, but they just come to me every once in a while. Then I have to write them down right then, or I'll forget about the whole thing. I like to draw comics (not very good drawings, but hey?). My two main characters are NoseMan, and Oscar. NoseMan is basicaly a stick figure with a big nose. Those comics are really weird, and only make sense in some sort of sick demented way (he he he!) (j/k). Oscar is a very fat guy, who gets made fun of alot because of his weight. I put more sense into Oscar comics. You could almost see this happening to somebody.

For this poem/story/comic memory lapses I have, I carry around a pocket notepad. These things are great! I just carry around a little pocket notebook, and a pen, and jot down ideas as they come to me. For instance, I used a pocket notebook to remember things I wanted to put on my web page. And look how good it turned out! Very modest. (At this point, Spinner takes a bow). I recommend these little clever devices, because they'll help you keep your life more organized, and more focused (for me at least). My first pocket notebook was a green mead thingy. The spine gave way and broke in London (never leave home without it!), so I taped it back together. That gave out in a few months, so now I have a Snoopy pocket notebook. It's one of the vertical spiral notebooks, so you can play with it, and pretned you're a policeman with the badge, or on the Starship Enterprise with a tricorder (maybe that's just me).

I take Isshinryu Karate, at Joe Webb's PIKA (Pennsylvania Isshinryu Karate Academy). I am currently a "Sho-dan-ho", or first degree junior black belt. I will no longer be a junior belt belt when I eitherearn my 2nd degree, or turn 18. And it's not some crap "buy a belt" school. I worked my butt off here. I have been taking it for around 9 years. I know katas (series of moves put together to illistrate a fight) for empty hands (what it sounds like), sais (three pronged daggers), and bo (a long, hard stick [wink wink]).

I'm shy, although most of my friends will tell you otherwise. It's weird. I'm really open with my good friends, but with people I don't know, I'm really shy. Same with girls, really. I'm just too damn shy to go and strike up a conversation, and thus, have never had a girlfriend. I've had friends that were girls, but no girlfriends.

"Alot" is one word. And that's that.

I don't like change. My parents want to change the carpet in the house, but I like the old one, and for some strange reason don't want it changed. It's good carpet. Even the smallest changes I either don't like, or it's a big deal to decide on. I don't like changing my furniture in my room around. I hate it when the icons on the computer are out of their usual order. I don't like to go to sleep, I like to stay awake. I want to stay asleep, I don't want to get up. It's weird, but that's me.

I'm a very inquisitive guy, but about inconsequential things. I like to know people's passwords to whatever, not because I want to go on it, but because I'm interested in what they're thinking. I like to know peoples' "secrets" (like notes passed or whatever) sometimes. It wouldn't make any difference to me what it is, but I'm interested.

As you've probably figured out, I'm a pretty weird guy. My school is a while from my house (40 mins), and I have to travel there and other long distances frequently. To pass the time when I'm bored, I imagine this guy running along the car. He's like some small (like a foot) guy, or something like a Sonic the Hedgehog, who's running with the car. The grass is the only thing that he can walk on, so he either jumps over the paved parts, or runs sideways on the guard rail. Weird, I know.

I'm a man of many contradictions. No I'm not.

When drinking, I like to taste the drink. So I drink it weird. Instead of just a solid flow of liquid down the hatch, I sip some in my mouth, then sorta puff up my cheeks, with the drink inside. Then I swallow. It's weird, I guess you'd have to see it to believe it.

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Time to go home.:

The Spinn has been revealed to people.

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