Spinner Speaks

So anyway, this page will have my mind numbing thought patterns spelled out in digital words on your personal computer screen. Just whatever I'm thinking at the moment, or if I'm bored, or have a free free period at school.


So, um, hi. I just changed my photo class over to 8th period for each day. I didn't really know anyone in the other class except for Frankie, and Will was in the other, so I switched. I found out to my horror that Paul was in that class of 3, now 4, so it's good and bad. I just got this comic book, JTHM, Jonny the Homicidal Maniac. It kicks so much @$$!!!!!!!!! I love it! I marked off all the pages that I really liked to show to people, mainly Dan, he gets a kick out of these funny comics (shouldn't we all?). I showed it to Caldwell, but I haven't caught him to get a response on it. Although it's gory, it's very intellectual at points. Oh no! A Spawn word!!! Shit! Anyway, back to the bookmark thingy. It's weird, cause I cut up this sheet of paper into small strips of bookmarks, and I used exactly how many I cut out. It was psychic (or something). Saunders just sat down near the computer next to me. He chose Explorer, but I always use Netscape. It works better at my house, I guess it's just a habbit. I asked him about it, and he said that he didn't really care whcih one he used. Weird enough. I mistook some juniors in the lounge for Melman and Rick. I went it to talk to them, and got distracted by some freshmen who thought my Soap shoes kicked ass. Then I walked over, and discovered that it was not indeed Melman, but some juniors (I don't think they were seniors, or they would probably hang out in the cafeteria for 3rd period). So I walked out, and came here. I repayed Chandler for the dollar he gave me yesterday, so that should be some good marks for me....prompt repayment and all. I got a free soda yesterday. I put in the 2 quarters, and they just went through the machine, so I thought, maybe someone left 50 cents in the machine, and vola! They did. So I got a root beer. There's no cents sign on these computers, and it looks stupid to put $0.50. To long and formal and stuff. So then I took the soda into the gym, where I saw Melman and Rick, and I threw Melman some grounders with a tennis ball, and he caught all the good ones I threw. had to leave then, it was quarter to 5, and my mom was there. There's traffic all up the highway, for miles and miles. It's very annoying. Saunders just threatened my life. I had to make it to school today at 7:30, because the radio fundraiser people had to have a meeting. The senior class will probably donate their class funds into the radio project, so that will be a help. Saunders just left. He was buying majic cards off the internet. Odd. I think I have class meeting now, so I'll write more later.


So hmmmm... I have chapel soon. 3rd period is sorta cool to have free, although no one's around. To replace Saunders, I now have Marlow to my right. Looking at my screen and all. Oh well. I'm in the main desktop for the school computer. I came to it, and it was already opened. I guess Summers did it, cause he had a CD in there. Marlow was at some Marylon Manson site, and accidentaly started playing the music real loud. With Brill qround as well. Good timing. Ha. So let's see. I just did my Spanish homework. It sicked. I used mi padre for almost every question. Who went on the trip with me? Mi padre. Who did I talk to over the phone? Mi padre. How much money did I bring? Mi padre. I'm not all too sure what mi padre means anyway. Oh well, hopefuly the homework will be correct. Yum. I had those toaster pastry thingys for breakfast. The ones where you put them in the oven, and they have fruit filling, and you put this icing on the top. They kick ass. I'm gonna have a burritto for breakfast tomorrow. That'll kick ass. Yeah, I'll show 'em. This year's Spanish book is filled with demonic pictures. And that's all I have to say about that. In chem today, the fact that sports comes before education in MA was enforced. We were going to have a test on Thursday, but Chase had a FRIGGIN' "night soccer game" on Wednesday, so the test was moved to Friday. AAAAAAAA!!!!! FRIGGIN' STUPID PEOPLE!!!!! Brill and waht's 'er name (I always forget. Thank god!) that libraian (both of which I hate with a passion) are disscussing cat psycology. FUCK THAT! Talking about how the cat has problems, and it's senile, and it likes music. Fucking cat expert Brill. My god (whatever the hell you are), gimme a break. I mean, that's fucked up. I tried to find my house on that terraserver.com, but didn't recognize the picture it gave me. It gave the same picture for Stroudburg and East Stroudsburg, and I couldn't find a land mark to go by. It looks totaly different from above. I've always wanted to see my house/driveway from above. My driveway is really long (maybe 1/4 mile for all of it I think?), and it's sorta shaped like a balloon, so I'd like to see it from the top. NOW!!!! No, not now, but sometime, I would like to see it. The crazy eddie skit for the joke a day went over quite nicely during all school meetings. Almost everyone applauded, I think. But Melman (so I hear) didn't say anything, he chickened out. Dammit. Seriously, he has to grow a spine. No kidding. He's chicken about everything, and goes back on his word alot. I think he should be more outgoing, he could do some GREAT skits/anouncements/stunts/whatever, if he would actually try something. JTHM rules!!! Everyone in the library talks. The school has backed down on yet another thing. They said that the library was going to be completely silent, so as people could read and study. And the new lounge, which cost a pretty penny to make, would be for study groups and people who want to talk. But, there is currently more than a dull roar, and no one gives a shit. Good job MA, we love ya! (losers) The periods over, I gotta go.


Damn...I didn't get my burritto.


I got my burritto today. Darn tasty it was. It was a bacon breakfast burritto. It was good. I learned yesterday that the real reason adam and eve were kicked out, was because "god" didn't want them to become immortal. Look it up if you don't believe me. I've never heard of anyone who knew that. I also learned that sleeping beauty was dulled down a bit for the modern day story. It used to be that she was still asleep, and she had twins (did the prince......nah...), and searching for milk to suck, one of them sucked on her finger, pulling out the poisoned pricker. Interesting. If you can ever find a "Sandman" comic by Neil Gaiman (spelling?), BUY IT!


I'm sitting next to Lomar now. He's complaining about his quarter backs for fake football. Saunders owes me a magic card so I can finaly pay off someone who almost won the contest on my games page (check it out!). He's also trying to put his lists from his calculator on the computer, but he didn't realize that it required a link. Maybe the computer and the calculator have infra red beams to connect themselves. I have found out that life is boring. I need more sleep. The floor in my room has never felt like it was ground level, but never felt as high as it is. It feels like it's about a foot off the ground, and I don't know why. My house is on a hill, so I'm obviously higher than sea level, or ocean level, but not always lake, pond, pool, swamp, bog, puddle, or bay level. They tend to differ from area to area. I just had chemistry (oh yeah, this period is 70 mins long! Woooo!!!). My chem class has sunken to a new low. People don't know what 1 minus 1 is, and I could have tought this class better than Vorhees. I hate to say it, but it's true...she didn't know how to simplify it for people, and most everybody was very confused, sad as it may seem. When Justin was over one day, we were looking through the books I wrote when I was in 1st grade. They're really funny. The spelling mistakes are funny to read, the topics are strange, and the illistrations are cool! I wrote one where these hats fly in my window, and I'm chasing them around, and I can't catch them. Then I go to bed, and the hats come back, and I chase them, then go to bed, and they fly out my window. I guess you had to be there. I also have one that's called "Do not be my vallentine". It shows various people from my family come up to me, and ask me to be their vallentine, and I say "do not be my vallentine". I never finished it though. That sucks. It just sorta leaves off. I have one book called numbers, where I just wrote one to one hundred, and then the end. There's one book with the Mario bros., where rabbit, boo bear, and John (dunno who they are) got captured by bowser, and Mario freed them. It was cool. I also wrote a journel of when I went to Cozumel Mexico (spelling?), and it's written backwards; you read from back to front (like Japanese books). I'm bored, bye.

Enough! ENOUGH!!!!!!!!

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