Working toward A World Where No-One has to go Hungry.


We are struggling every day , to help those that struggle every day.

The unemployed father, looking for work and trying to make sure that his family has a meal that night.

The elderly person , that has worked all their life and finds that with the income they must now live on , it is impossible to pay the bills and buy the medicines they need , and still purchase food for thier table.

The single Mom , who worries about how she will feed her kids tomorrow, and still put clothes on their growing bodies.

The under-employed. The ones who work every day they can. Yet still cannot make ends meet.

These are only a few examples of the ones who need our services , and the services of places like this.

The need is great , and we see it growing every day. We turn no-one away. But it gets harder every day to provide the foods necessary.

Remember to lend a hand and support your local charities. Donate a few of the foods that are needed to insure that every person has substantial meals.

If you are fortunate , and have plenty , then do your part to help in your own community.

Assist at your local kitchen or food pantry.

They all need your help and talents.

Donate when you can.

" But for the Grace of God , go we."

Thought for the Day!

"In our busy lives each day , remember the poor and pause to pray"

Please let us know ;

On the previous page you will find the information to contact us should you want to. Thank you so much for spending your time with us. Check out the other sites too! Please drop us a line to let us know that you are thinking of us and praying for this effort.


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