The Battousai Obsession
This is BY FAR, the BEST RK page I have seen! Tons of links, images, and merchandise!
Bathow-sai's Rurouni Kenshin Homepage
This is another absolutely wonderful page as well! Has lyrics to the songs!
A Sword The Color Of The Autumn Maple - Rurouni Kenshin
A BEAUTIFUL Japanese RK page with loads of manga and anime pics!
Rurouni Kenshin Shrine
A very nice shrine of Kenshin, great pics!
S - The RK Magazine
...The plot thickens...o.O;;;;;
My Kenshin Page
This is my page, it's wonderful, to me, but it could use some work.

Rurouni Kenshin Romansu
This is my fanfic, a RK fanfic, it's only in the beginning process, but it's good so far.

The Action Animanga Zone!!!!!
And finally, saving the best for last, this is my friend's, Fred dono, aka BattouSai on mIRC, page! It's way cool! Visit it!
The Not-So-Official Rurouni Kenshin Drinking Game
This is a fun game to play when you've got your favorite beverage before you!! ^_-

Project Oro
This is a great page where you can find very good MP3`s of some of your fav RK songs! ^.~x
Kenshin Image Gallery
This place is not chock full of pics, but worth the visit. Nice manga piccies, the few there are.

Anime Turnpike : Rurouni Kenshin Links
~_~;;;;; Heh. I got lazy. Simple as that. *grins* But, they got plenty of good sites and remember, those sites have links too! Have fun surfin'!

The New Generation Rurouni Kenshin World
...hehehe, the owner of this site signed my guestbook, and since he has a RK site,
I thought it would be nice if I added it to my link list... those who don't,
gomen... ~_~;; this -is- a RK site.
Kenshin Village
...heh, boy, ever since I put this page and my James page up on AniPike, my
counters have been soarin'! ...*frowns* ...unfortunately, the one for this page
has been restarted for some odd reason, oh well... this page also came from a
guestbook signing, please patronize, as I always do.

Ryokia's Star Dream
...*gringrin* This page belongs to m'friend Jen, who is friends with another couple of Kenshin freaks. Infact, together, we're the K.F.I., Kenshin Freaks Incoperated. But, since she LIKES Kenshin, her page is up. ^-^ No questions. Got some -really- nice graphics up.
