There are three poems on this page
She’s a tough little lady with a big soft
You can’t hurt her but you can tear her apart
You won’t see her bleed, You’ll never see her cry
You won’t hear her beg, You’ll never hear her lie
She doesn’t want a man to pay her way
She doesn’t want his money, She works hard all day
But a woman so strong is hiding a weakness
When alone at night she feels a bleakness
Her heart is bleeding, She’s lonely and cold
wanting a love to cherish and hold
Behind her armor she hides her pain
She knows that tears hold nothing to gain
She goes each day with confidence and smile
Her heart safely hidden, because that’s her style.
Hey Baby!
Hey baby, I know you’re out there
You’re just the one for me
I just haven’t looked everywhere yet
but you’ll know me when you see
Something about me will make you look twice
It won’t be glamour, but
you’ll think it’s nice
It won’t be my hair-do, my nails
or my jewels
I’ve been passed up for those things
but those men were fools
I’m a different type of woman
I’m honest and true
I love hard baby, and I’m looking for you
I’m ready to love you
and stand by your side
I’m not weak or jealous
I have nothing to hide
I’m everybody’s buddy
I’m one of the guys
but I know it’ll be different
when I look in your eyes
You’re going to love me
for my spirit and heart
I was made just for you
we weren’t meant to be apart
You just be you and
I’ll just be me
And we’ll find each other
Maybe you’ll find me working
beside you one day
You’ll admire the woman who
works hard for her pay
We may meet over
a pool table one night
You’ll admire my skill as
you put up a fight
We could pass in the street
and you’ll notice my smile
Or you’ll see my old blue jeans
and just like my style
I haven’t found you yet
you haven’t found me
but when we do baby, you’ll know
it was just meant to be
Dear Lord, please send me the lover for whom I
Dear Lord, please hear me, I’m so lonely and forlorn
I’ve loved before and always lost, I can't find the love for me
Dear Lord, please send me the lover of whom I need
Dear Lord, I trust you to choose the very one
I know he would be strong but also full of fun
Dear Lord, please find him, the one I'm dreaming of
The man my poor heart cries for, who will give me all his love
Dear Lord, you know my nature, the passion in my soul
Please send my man of fire, who can make my senses roll
Dear Lord, I need the affection of a man who loves me hard
Who can heal the blinding pain of my heart so badly scarred
Dear Lord, I pray for your help, I want his hand to hold
I want his fiery kisses, his arms, so strong and bold
Dear Lord, my heart is lonely, I know you can make it right
A man to hold me tenderly through every long cold night
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