
Bay Area Cage Bird Club cordially invites you to become a club member and to attend monthly meetings that are fun, educational and informative. Membership dues are $15.00 a year for a single or family membership.  Members receive a monthly newsletter and support from other members who are knowledgeable about the care and breeding of cage birds.
JOIN US!  You'll be glad you did!

Meeting Date/Time:

Tuesday November 28, 2000

6:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.

Meeting Place:

Park Place Library

8145 Park Place Blvd.

Houston, TX


If you are coming south on 45 (Gulf Freeway), Exit Park Place Blvd., Turn left under the freeway.

If you are coming North on 45 (Gulf Freeway), exit Park Place Blvd., turn right on Park Place Blvd.

It's about one block from 45 on the left hand side of the road.  

Walk in the front doors and to the right before you actually go into the library.  We're in the first door on the right. 


Date: ___________

New Member:__________        Renewal:__________

PLEASE PRINT (for family membership, provide both names and birth dates)

Member Name
2nd Member Name
(for family membership)
(    )_______________
Street Address
Phone Number

Membership fee: $15.00 (single or family)
Make Check Payable to: Bay Area Cage Bird Club Inc.
Print Application, fill out and mail application and a check to:

622 CR 2222

Cleveland, TX  77327

Home Guestbook Membership