The Bible is the inspired word of God

It is my belief that the Bible is the inspired word of God. That it is good for teaching, reproof, correction, for training in rightousness; that the man of God may be adaquate, equipped for every good work. Having said this, and being fully convinced that it contains no errors, i have dedicated my life to the study and teaching of the scriptures. Feel free to use any links on this page for your personel growth and share them with others. Also feel free to ask any question about the Bible you may have. We will do everything in our power to answer you in a timely manner.

Bible Answers for Today's Questions

Please be advised that this site has nothing to do with the Bible answer Mans radio program with Hank Henagraaff. The purpose of this site is to offer Biblical answers for today's questions.

What does the Bible say about baptism, gifts, the bible itself? What are types and anti-types? What did Jesus say about certain topics? Does the Bible talk about abortion, drug abuse and sexual harrasment? The world is looking for answers and we feel the Bible has them. Not just for the times in which they were written but for all times.

Can we see Jesus in the jewish passover (sedar)? Did Jesus ever visit the earth in the Old Testament? Who is the Angel of the Lord? Who really was in the Burning Bush? Why was Jesus called the lamb of God? Is baptism a new testament belief only? Why was the Curtain rent in two at the time of Jesus' death?

There is so much we can learn and enjoy from the scriptures. Sometimes you have to dig, sometimes there laying right there on the surface. all you have to do is ask.

Send all questions to


AMERICA. YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO DIE!: The re-writing of History
LORDS TABLE: what is the Lords Table
PSALM 23: a look at the 23rd Psalm
SO WHO IS THIS JESUS ANYWAY: a look at the Christ
PAUL A MAN OF SORROW: a closer look at Paul
QUESTION-ANSWER PAGE: search tools and question submition
The Long Road Home: my personal testemony
Study in Baptism: Specific Greek words
Great Discussion Boards: sometimes heated but always informative
"THE" angel of the Lord: who is this Old Testament Character and what is His ministry?
The Best Gift of All: A Christmas Story
What were the Keys given to Peter?: Is a Papacy Scriptural?
He Is Risen! But did He die?: Investigating the evidence
God's Calendar 1: is this God's calendar?
God's Calendar II: part 2 in a series
Did Jesus Have Brothers?: the meaning of "adelphos"
God's calendar III: conclusion
FREE CHRISTIAN E-MAIL: also nice Christian Home Pages Index
You Call This Worship?: study of worship hangups
America - Character Does Count: PART II in a continuing series
America you're too young III: timeless truths for America
THE STUDY OF REWARDS: what crowns will you receive?
Was Peter the "RocK"??: Who are the church's leaders and what was Christ building His Church upon?

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