Being healthy requires supplementation!

At Fitness by Design we introduce our clients to supplementation and proper nutrition from the onset of our program. Here is a similar explanation we give to our clients in a less personalized way -- on-line. Perhaps this will make you consider why you should supplement.

Okay--let's be honest...none of us, no matter how great we think our nutrition is, eat perfectly!

Clinically proven, high quality supplementation works synergistically with our current attempts at healthy eating plans to make us feel even better.

Most of us have put our bodies through cruel and unusual punishment such as low calorie diets, fasting, overeating, diet drugs and various other methods of abuse. Abuse to our bodies has left scars on our metabolisms whether we know it or not. Such scars are not visible, but our body's metabolism (the way it burns our food) is scarred forever! Supplementation helps re-condition the metabolism to some degree, along with proper eating and exercise.

Another reason we should supplement is due to the horrible condition of the foods that are 'supposed' to be good for us. Most fruits and veggies are raised in nutrient deficient soils, sprayed with various pesticides and chemicals and then resprayed so as to make them not ripen as quickly on the store display tables. Yuck! Even eating organic foods is not free of such insanity. Also processed foods (boxed/canned foods) are full of preservatives and other additives that deplete them of the best nutrients. Comprehensive vitamin and mineral supplements can help rectify this imbalance facing our bodies.

And if this is not depressing enough!

Just think of the pollutants in the air, stress, smoke, radiation, and excessive sun exposure -- these all cause breakdown to our body's tissues through something called free radical damage.

Basically, free radicals are 'loose mad atoms' that attack our body tissue's little guys -- the cells. The free radical mad monsters strip our cells of an oxygen atom which totally throws off the cells' balance, resulting in their inability to ward off disease and illness. Degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart and lung disease and many others are directly related to this type of war in our bodies.


Supplements can help neutralize this war and make amends with those free radical mad monsters by the use of antioxidants (see below).

What does each vitamin and mineral do?

Each vitamin and mineral has a job to do. Keep in mind that you do NOT have to take these vitamins in 'mega' doses or separately..the goal is to take them in 'optimum' dosages in a comprehensive supplement that consists of only 3-4 pills twice daily so they work synergistically. I have made a list below of some of the vitamins that you should be sure you have on a daily basis. If you have questions on any aspect of this list - e-mail me at This list is by no means 'complete' but a good compilation of some vitamin/minerals to research.

  • Vitamin C - an antioxidant that is not manufactured by the body; best absorbed in the Ester-C form; plays a star role in counteracting the damaging effects of free radicals (goal of 500mg).

  • Vitamin A - the 'eye vitamin'; protein can't be absorbed properly if deficient in this (goal of 15,000IU).

  • Vitamin D - crucial for strong bones and teeth; required for absorption of calcium and phosphorus (goal is 400IU in the Dł form).

  • Vitamin B - there are many of these, but they are best taken as a group/complex form; important for brain functioning and nervous system balance (goal for B6 is 10mg and for B12 is 30mcg).

  • Folic Acid (Folate) - a B vitamin that is essential for the health of newborns in the womb (goal is 600mcg).

  • Niacin - another B vitamin; plays a role in metabolism; may play a key role in the reduction of 'bad' cholesterol (goal of 40mg).

  • Biotin - yet another B vitamin; aids in cell growth and metabolism (goal is 300mcg).

  • Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate,Beta, Gamma, Delta Tocopherols, Tocotrienols) - all forms of this are needed; an oxygenator for the heart and other organs; a natural female aide for PMS and menopause; the 'everything' vitamin (goal is 300IU).

  • Lycopene - a powerful antioxidant found in the pigment of tomato skin; helps in free radical damage (goal is 1mg).

  • Lutein - another antioxidant; part of blood plasma and the macula region of the eye (goal is 2mg).

  • Zinc - a mineral that plays a role in protein synthesis and collagen formation; benefits the immune system (goal is 15mg).

  • Calcium (carbonate, citrate, propionate and chelate) - all forms of this mineral are necessary; strengthens bones; wards off osteoporosis (goal is 1500mg for women and 1000mg for men).

  • Magnesium (aspartate, oxide, and chelate) - necessary for absorption of calcium; important for proper nervous system functions (goal is 400mg).

  • Iron - necessary for energy production; deficiencies can result from intestinal bleeding, ulcers, heavy menstrual bleeding, overuse of antiacids (goal is 3mg).

    This page was developed by Stacy Garonzik, M.S. based on information from a variety of sources, including journals, books, and various periodicals. A complete list of references is available by request. This page was last updated on June 1, 1998.

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