This is a picture of Jaromir from camera 1

This is a picture of Jaromir from camera 2

This is a picture of Rubicon from camera 1

This is a picture of Rubicon from camera 2

    This is the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center's CRAY T3E systems.
Jaromir has 256 processors, each having 16 Mwords of memory and
capable of 600 Mflops. Rubicon has 256 processors, each having 16
Mwords of memory and capable of 900 Mflops. Combined they form the
world's fastest T3E.

Created: Tue July 22, 1997 21:15:00 EDT

Last modified: Tue July 22, 1997 21:15:00 EDT

This page has been visited times since 7/22/97.