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B-Lea's Beadworks: Me and My Beadwork

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Here is one of my latest projects that I 
did for a dear friend of mine!
The picture below the beadwork is of Chyenne, 
a 1/2 timber and 1/2 grey Wolf, that belongs 
to a very dear friend of mine.  My friend asked 
me to make a beaded patch of Chyenne, that he 
could apply to the front of his denim duster.
So one day , my friend brought Chyenne over to 
my house and we spent the better part of an hour 
taking pictures of Chyenne, so that I would have 
something to work from.

Besides from some very simple patterns this is
my first real design project.  Now that i have
completed this piece, I see many thing that I
would change or do differently, should another
opportunity arise.

Since the start of this project, my friend has
moved to Phoenix, AZ and changes that I would
have liked to have made were not done since my
friend is the one that choose the bead colors
and type.

I will accept this as a learning experience
and be satisfied with the end result, though
I expect anything similar in the future to
have an even better outcome.

BrendaLea the Typo/TipQueeen
DuQuoin, Illinois
United States