Here is a page that is mostly links to other great sites.
Sites that are Webtv friendly and you are free to link to those sites.
There you can find backgrounds, gifs, midis, waves, etc. and if you are a plus user, you will find a page with instructions about how to upload video captures ( vidcaps ) to your webpage and then put them into your sig.

Here is a place where any "newbie" comes to learn some basic in HTML.
Hey!! even the pros come to this place to get something for their webpages.
So here it is the unfamous Dr. Draac's pages enjoy them and remember this site is webtv friendly so you can link to these pages.

Draac's Gifs 123

Here is another great place for us webtv users, there is many gifs that you can use in any ocasion, holidays you name it.
The author of this page told us to name it
"Free Graphics For Webbers" but we call it Cool Stuff I hope he doesn't mind.

Here is another great place for Webtv users, If you are looking for animated alphabets or gifs this is the place to look for.
This place has also links to HTML tutorials, just what you need to improvise your sig or to start your own webpage. but that is up to you, visit this place and you won't regret it.

BJ's World

Anyone looking for more gifs, well this is the right place to look for, I mean this place is just great and best of all like the rest of our links, they are all linkable, so this is a place free of guilt.
This site has a variety of gifs, ok enough talking , go to that place and good hunting.

Mellisas's Gifs

I have seen posts from people asking for some neon gifs, well....look no more.This place is great, it has some neon letters not to mention some cool neon gifs.
Please visit this place and take whatever you want because this site is Webtv friendly.
Gifs To Go

This is a very good place with gifs, midis and backgrounds for you to link, Big Daddy made these pages for us Webtv users.
These pages will help you to decorate your e-mail signature or your own webpages, this place has some religious gifs and backgrounds too.
Thanks Big Daddy for these pages.
Have a look of all the gifs, backgrounds and midis you will get in your sig or webpage.

Big Daddy's Gif To Go

Many people would love to have a clock in their sigs or in their webpages, well... don't look no more this is the place to be.
This site will help you with your HTML, the tutorial is writen in simple and plain english and you won't get lost about where the tags go and how, his site is just great, why don't you go to his place and have a look!!!
This place is also good for beginners, enjoy it.
Warp~Speed's Help Site

Here is another great site for those who are looking for HTML tutorials.
I must say that this cover the basics in HTML and it's a great help for any Webtv user, it doesn't matter if you are a Classic or Plus user.
It's good if you want to work in your sig box or your own webpage, so here it is Slowpoke's site.
Slowpoke's Webtv Help Site

If you are looking for some Javascripts you have come to the right place. This site has some basics in Javasripts that you can use in your webpages.
Keep checking this site because it will be updating pretty soon with more graphics and midis.
RasnBrain Javascripts

Well guys and gals I'd suggest you to visit this page...Why??? This page is just great, not only has good links but also has an excellent presentation.
I see now why this site has won some awards, this page has the feminine touch and I like it.
Made feel like if I was back at home. Come on, go and see it for yourself.
Keep up the good work.
Cathie's HomePage

Here is another place for newcomers, this place teaches you the basic about assigning shorcuts for your favorites and about transloading files to your webpage ( if you have one).
Pretty soon this place will have more info about HTML so keep checking this page.
Snakeshark's Place

Well!!! Webtv surfers... these sites will save you time if you want to have some text with different colors.
All you have to do is Cut and Paste the text you just made, You can use it in your sig, this is a time saver, believe me. Just go to these sites to see what I'm talking about, they offer different effects in your text.
The Text Colorizer
Nifty Text

Now check this out!!! because this site is great for us Webtv users, if you are looking where to make your own cards or address labels and print them, well... look no more, because this is the site to be.
There is some premade cards for you to just type your message or you can create your own using your images.Go ahead and you will see that I'm right.
Hadoe's Printcard Shop

If you are looking for a site that has all the tools you need to make your own sig or to create your own webpage, I'd suggest you to go to this site.
In this place you can see how a gif or jpg will look as a background and what is the best color text you can use to make it match with your background.
This is just the right tool page you need to customize your sig or webpage. It also has links to other great sites that will help you to get your own creations a reality.
The Imaging Station

Have you ever seen page and doesn't have a link to get the images??? but you still want to get them.
Madrabbit's site will help you with that, it will stract every image and link to the page you just visited, this site is a must and it should be in your shortcuts.
This is a great tool page that you shouldn't miss, this site will also help you to see how some websites were built, showing you the HTML that was used to build those sites you just visited .Just test this site and you will see the results.
The Source For The Internet

Are you looking for a GOOD!!!! Real Audio site?
Then you found it because this site is great and has a good selection of artist go to this place and check it out!!!!
Chino's Real Audio Site

Here's another great site with midis and karaoke.
This site has a huge selection of midis, visit this site and you won't be disappointed.
Lauras Midi Heaven

Welcome to Karaoke Heaven!!!!
This site has a huge selection sorted in alphabetical order.
Sing like the great rock stars or just sing like you were in love, dedicating that song to your loved one.Karaoke Heaven is just great.
Karaoke Heaven

This Guy has put a lot of work on this site, the midis are sorted by style from A to Z, so it doesn't matter what is your favorite style, it will be easy for you to find what you are looking for.

Dave's Midis

And come back soon we will have many other things in the future, more cool stuff for any webtv user.
This is just the begining of a great page.Don't forget to save this page in your favorites.

If you have any suggestion to improve this page, I will be gladly to hear it, write me at Outer Web Group

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