The Science of Things

U.K. Release Date:  10.25.99
U.S. Release Date:  10.26.99

Track Listing:

Warm Machine

Jesus Online

The Chemicals Between Us

The English Fire


40 Miles From The Sun


The Disease Of The Dancing Cats

Altered States

Dead Meat

Letting The Cables Sleep



Alternative Press
"With Science, Bush have left the grunge building almost completely, substituting electronic gimmickry, vocal effects and orchestral programming instead...What they ended up with is definitely Bush, but the record's considerably more immendiate and-dare it be said-catchy."

All audio samples on this page were recorded exclusively for BUBBLES from BUSH's performance at Woodstock '99.  You may download them and listen your heart out, but please ask permission and give credit to use them (I'll probably say "yes" anyway, so just do it!!).  Thanks!  Please be patient as these wav files download.  Since they were recorded from a live performance, the sound quality is not the best, but it is must do until The Science of Things is released.  Until then, TURN UP THE VOLUME ON YOUR COMPUTER.
Please report any problems to

More audio to come!

. All original work/graphics on this website are copyrighted © in the year of 1999-2000 by RLB Productions.  Please ask for permission to use any information.  BUBBLES is in no way personally affiliated with Bush, Trauma Records, Interscope Records, or Mad Dog Winston Records.