Here's where you'll find a buncha random crap (linx) that I like, but couldn't quite find a way to work 'em into my page... Besides, who likes a page that leaves ya standing at a dead end, scratching your head, wondering what's next?! :-)

The Virtual Lava Lamp.  For hours of mindless spacing out!!
The Magic 8-Ball.

This site has THE FUNNIEST cards, pictures, etc....

Fred, The Voodo Doll!!!!

This is the page of a buddy of mine... He's pretty weird, but he's a pretty good guy all around.. and funny as shit!!!
*must see*

MUST SEE!!!!! you've gotta check this one out.. 
There's nothing on this page that's not funny as hell!!!

Are you one of those folks who are so damn ~perky~, that you make folks like myself sick? *L* well, if you are, then click here!!!!

A friend's page... go check it out