Caps from Earshot promo and season enders promo

Earshot to air 21 September.

The header before <i>Bad Girls</i> it reads : 'Mindful of the tragic events last week at Columbine High School, the originally scheduled episode of 'Buffy, the Vampire Slayer' will air at a later date'.

Walking down the hall hearing people's thoughts Xander running out of the librairy

Buffy walking down the hall hearing people's thoughts Buffy collapsed

The Long Promo for the month of May eps.

Joyce talking to Angel Buffy and Angel nudie shot

Buffy and Angel in wedding gear Angel looking upset eg brooding

Buffy and Angel looking at each other Buffy and Angel appearing to exchange wedding vows

Buffy holding onto Angel it appears to be a bed?

Buffy taking her jacket off Buffy looking upset

Angel carrying Buffy asking for help what appears to be Angel in the sunlight

Oi, there we are! Hopefully I'll have more shots
posted soon, Yes  I've squeezed  a lot out  of a
few minutes but hey....if you want to use any of
the grabs I made please ask me first.

This episode is set to air 27,April 99. In light
of   the  horrible  massacre  that took place in
Colorado, this episode may not be aired. That is
going by basis of spoilers heard about the epis-
ode. Right now, it is questionable if it will be
aired. But that  is speculation,  perhaps  but a 
rumour. Also, I've been hearing that it has def-
initely been cancelled (Earshot airing) and that
a  repeat  of  Bad  Girls in  it's  stead.  That 
also may be rumour.

Earshot has been  pulled and it is true that the
episode Bad Girls will   be repeated. It is said 
however that it will be aired  because it is too
integral to the storyline, and as you know there
are only five  inc. Earshot  remaining in season
three (Choices,The Prom and the two parter Grad-
uation). I'll let you know of further updates.

this page has been slammed times since 21 April,99

The grabs I made  were for fans  enjoyment, I am
errn, well  not with lots of dough, so please do
not sue. I'm not  charging or making  any  money 
over this pics,again they are for fans enjoyment

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