Here I rate the movies that Seth Green has been in, and give the amount of time basically, so the diehards can decide what movies they will and wont watch. To buy the movies (by way of click on the appropriate links and be taken to that particular movie's page @ There is no particular order just random so I haven't been kind and alphebetized.
This movie is a must for Seth fans, but
I dare say this movie is sick, and Mike
Myers rocks bells once again. This is a
parody of sixties spy flicks. The basis
is a cryogenically frozen brit superspy
has been thawed to fight his nemesis Dr.
Evil, also played by Myers. Seth Green
plays Dr. Evil's son via test tube, Scott
Evil. If you are looking for a film chock
full of said redhead, pick this.
Airborne. This is high on the scale of
Seth Green starring. This movie is quite
odd. The basis is a "cool" kid from Cali
is up and moved to live w/
waves dig, so this kid is bitter, enter
Seth Green as Wiley, the cousin,a bizarre
apparent metalhead, who's hair is fright-
eningly blow-dried straight...oh sorry,
for girls looking for a money shot there
is a Wiley shower scene. This movie has
a dag lot of rollerblading. See this for
the bizzare idea of it all. Chock full of
Seth. Airborne was released in '93.
This movie I couldn't find for sale at White Man's Burden is short on Seth action, blink and you'll miss him,he plays a skinhead. The movie was very good I thought,it just show how sick prejudice is.
A good movie, a bit melodramtic at best
but If you like gooshy stories, it's for
you,it stars Michelle Pfeiffer and Claire
Danes,just a bit on the Seth Green rating
but it's sweet, about a widower who loses
his wife but cannot let her go which in
turn pushes his family away.
Radio Days, yeah, a Woody Allen film,
this movie is very sweet is about a young
boy's fascination with the radio shows,
40's goodness set in a Queen's neighbor-
hood. This movie stars Seth Green, with
Mia Farrow and Julie Kavanaugh(sic). This
movie was released in '87.
Hotel New Hampshire, which stars Jodie
Foster, about a family what runs a hotel
only a bit on the scale,sort of a strange
family comedy...not for the family but
about one.
Pump Up the Volume stars Christian
Slater and has a bell rocking soundtrack
which basically just screams "Your Old!"
but hey,I'm not bitter. Basically it's
about a kid who rocks a pirate radio.Toss
the word establishment around and hey..As
for Seth Green amount, blink and you'll
miss him.
My Stepmother is an Alien starring Kim
Basinger, Dan Akroyd and a young Alyson
Hannigan (wahey!). Cute movie, it's fun
seeing Alyson Hannigan & Seth Green that
young together. Not much comedy, but Dan
Akroyd marries alien Kim Basinger & shazz
It, the movie based on Stephen King's
book. This was a TV movie, but you can
rent it, unfortunately doesn't
offer it at this time. Seth Green plays
a young Richie Tozier. High on Seth Green
action and a good screen adaptation with
Harry Anderson.