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What's New

     11 April 02. Sorry for such a long space between updates, new computer
    and my scanner is dead..But...anyways. The new album Cabin Fever was
    released on tuesday! Fabulous album, lots of feedback and a harder
    sound. Adorable liner notes and a rasputina trading card! Well worth
    the weight. Also I have a new email address, the other got dropped and
    I couldn't get any of the mail....grrr. Also I did two images of Melora
    Creager for a 3d art challenge mini contest, they are on the main page
    click the thumbnails to see the full version. Take care! Updated the
    little article I wrote called the 5 third chairs, now called the 6
    third chairs. :)

29 July 01. New ep by Rasputina, it will only be available a limitted amount of time.

15 June 01. Rasputina's internet site is back. Replete with a picture of new chair K. Coperthwaite. I was sent a link of an interview with Melora. My rehaul needs to be uploaded. Grrr! It's coming. 11 December. There still isn't much to report. Although Rasputina, has been pla- ying some club shows. Actually it has been Melora with two new chairs. So we yet still be treated to another Rasputina album. Fingers crossed. In regards to the site here. Complete revamp, reason it is taking so long is, my computer had an attack and files and programs were lost and still in a mess. But a lot of the new images for the layout (after the holidays -look for it) are done. Also of note it appears that Sony has taken down the Rasp official page, and with it all that comes with, like the MB. Truly disappointing. Also I have a new email address for ques- tions, it is here. 16 October. Still not much to report in regards to the ladies, tour or recording wise. But another rumour is surfacing is Julia playing for yet another band, the name isn't at the top of my head. Also a majour site rehaul,redoing the sections and graphics...more pics..Been noticing that some of my text and scans were being used without permission. But I'm all for them being used,I would just like to know where they are going. Because if you have a Raspy site, you rock bells, there is never too much praise for the ladies.More caps are coming soon from different show. Take care everyone and enjoy the page. 24 August. Not much to update newswise. There are rumours going around that Julia has left the group and gone onto the band Angels of Light. Since it's rumour it has to be taken with a grain of salt. For touring and album information wouldn't expect any soon, Carpella and Melora both have small babies now. Of note, I don't know if Nana was areplacement third while touring for Agnieszka or if she's the ahem,,,,permanent third. This page is going to get a new look, I'm going to do more screen caps and scans. The new site should be revamped in sept. 13 Feb, okay, I updated the Third Chairs, now it's all done with all five third chairs. Also, they are in chronological order. Fun putting that together.

5 Feb, hi, I put up a page, with pictures of all of the four ladies, who were at o- ne time, third chairs. Elsewhere, it app- ears that Melora Creager is pregnant. I saw the show 1/30/99 and it looked quite apparent, (and she walked straight past me, small club). Gone was the corset. So if this is so (also Gail who went 1/29/99 thinks she's got a bun in the oven). With Agnieszka giving birth soon, and Melora pregnant, will our Ladies Society travel on? Current third Nana, however is doing a more than lovely job. Also, I've heard rumours of Julia wanting to go. I hope it is just strictly a rumour. That's all for now.