What's it like at those lovely high end counters

Ahh the counters...Oi, sometimes snotty, sometimes civil...what can one say dears? I don't know but I can describe to you the grooviest counters.


Oi the Chanel counter...The set up is their base colors of gold and black...The most exciting the displays ever get is a white washed photo of a model with the Chanel products bold on the pic. Hmm....Service, oh some associates are snobby, and will gab and leave you waiting while others are friendly save they push stuff on you...no surprise, their job....but then there is the smarmy sticky sweet counter women....I rather do smarmy because then you get your purchase and are out of there. Don't get me wrong Chanel one of the premiere high end cosmetic groups...I love their polishes. Go to January's Best of.. for a pic of Rain and Shine the new fall shades. gorgeous.

Hard Candy

Yeah baby, humans must be more animal then they think, because when I saw that shiny silver laden Hard Candy display I was straight to it. No counter ladies on this one, just heiff over to the nearest server. But dag, this is fly, all the polishes sort of in a pyramid (whole display) with polishes at the top cascading down to the eye and lip liners to the compacts then the lipsticks...All in HC's silver and holographic packaging. This really stands out among counters because of the use of shine and extensive colors...No standard all brown and shrimp here.


Ahh I love my M.A.C counter! Set up is a mock studio with brushed aluminum tubing, storing most products in pyrex beakers...The assistants are always nice, they (in my experience mind you) don't push extra products on you unless you are there for consulation.. Sometimes they'll show you something before you ask, which is fun, and the M.A.C assistants seem more friendly, yet foxier than other assitants. Product line is amazing and goes the whole spectrum.


Smashbox, brough to you by the grandsons of Max Factor...This is a black and red based display, it's at a counter. The range of products and colors head the spectrum, definitely high end. Servers are pleasent enough.

Make-Up Forever

Basically the stuff is fly, set in a counter with black as the base color and their products laid out around the top...A lot of glitter involved with Make-Up Forever...Also they make fabulous out there liquid liner. Tremendously nice and helpful assitants here.

Ehh, I like Prescriptives and the assistants are usually friendly.

Urban Decay

Mhmm, this is black based and brushed aluminum like the M.A.C set up...yet It has a bit of that Hard Candy thing going on, see the shiny silver...like the pied piper. Well all the shadows (inc. potholes) are suspended in this tower of metal with little holes poked in it, like a large guage mesh, a display of nail polish is also on the counter top, with more polish inside the case. Liquid liners,mascara,lip/eye liners are kept in beakers also on counter top. At the counter you can buy tubes (with UD's logo on them) and fill up with your choice of product as a gift (or to collect) as well as a fly long sleeved shirt with silver swirl and logo on it. The assistants are nice.

That's all I'll put up for now back to cosmetics page