Rumors    and    News

Hey people, remember these are rumors, so don't have a spaz if NICK was said to be dating someone, i'll make sure to say whether its true or not, if its a rumor, i'll tell you that too!! If you have any news or rumors for me, email me

Recent    news    and    rumors

February 1, 98 If you've been checking out the official site, you would've
               heard about the sweet thing brian did. IF you haven't
               well two girls didn't get tickets for a concert to see
               them, cuz the thingy closed, so they were really sad,
               so one of their parents found where the boys were going
               in from, and talked to brian about the problem, and an 
               hour later, brian got them BOTH 2nd row tickets for their
               show plus backstage passes. WHAT A SWEETIE!!!
               Okay there was another rumor the Brian was dying, well
               the truth is he isn't, and he's PERFECTLY fine, and no
               he's not quiting anytime soon, so before you go sobbing
               your eyes out, HE'S OKAY!!! 
               And another rumor, Brian has a girlfriend. I'm incredibly
               sorry Brian fans (like me.,) its true. 
               Nick going solo?? Possible, but what i've heard from
               a reliable source, NO ONE is quiting!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!