\\'elcome to my page...

Greetings from me and Jabba, and welcome to my page. I'll bet you're thinking "What kind of idiot would make up a page about bantha fodder?" Well...this kind would. Bantha fodder is not just something made from a bantha, it played a very important role in Star Wars...Return of the Jedi.(well kind of important..jabba said it and he's pretty cool so i guess it is, ya know?) Well...if you decide to sign my guestbook...please do it AFTER you read everything on my webpage...it seems that someone who signed it didn't...and I'll bet he feels like a fool (check it out...yes it's you jedi creature!) I have the books..I know what bantha fodder is, ok? You'll notice that my above midi is Jamiroquai (Virtual Insanity to be specific...THANKS to ben for telling me the other one sucked *sarcastic* haha)...and there are a couple reasons i put that midi up there. First of all they are a pretty good band...and second of all every Star Wars page i've seen always has the main theme..and that gets boring...especially since this is no ordinary Star Wars page! But of course you could probably tell that from the first few sentences you saw, couldn't you? Well anyways..enjoy your stay..and use the force!

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Hey do you like the graphics on those webrings? Well I made em...and If you want me to make you a webring graphic..just e-mail me and tell me what your webring is about..and I'll be glad to do it.
And remember...the FORCE will be with you...
***all the graphics on this page were part of a free service or made by my friends. these graphics were not stolen from any sites that i didn't have permission from

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