My Poem's Page

Here are some poems I wrote while at the computer or ones I transferred to it. I have many more that I have written, but they may never be here, so you gotta wait.

The Rain

It is raining so hard yet the ground is dry.

I'm struck by lightning. There's no cloud in the sky.

There's a thunder in my heart and I don't know what to say.

Even though she's next to me, she's a million miles away.

The river of my blood grows wider. It runs a course to hell.

It washes away the secrets I'll never have the nerve to tell.

The river gets deeper with each drop of blood.

It's raining down from my soul like the Genesis flood.

The rain pours down and cuts me like a knife.

Soon I will drown from the river of my life.

-Shane Vail




Whats the point of dreaming if all you dreams are gone?

Whats the point of singing if your soul carries no song?

Whats the point of loving if all you do is cry?

Whats the point of saying hello is you have to say goodbye?

Whats the point of caring if you just make a friend?

Whats the point of starting if your dead before the end?

Whats the point of laughter if all you are is sad?

Whats the point of living if your whole lifes been bad?

Whats the point of reaching out if no one gives their hand?

Whats the point of believeing in this sin curropted land?


-Shane Vail


I have a few more poems, but at the moment, I don't want to put them up.

This poem I didn't write:


What is the glory far above

All else in human life?


Love! Love!


There is no form in which the fire

Of love its traces has impressed not.

Man lives far more in love's desire

Than by life's breath, soon possessed not.

If all that lives must love or lie,

All shapes on earth, or sea, or sky,

With one consent, to Heaven cry

That the glory far above all else in life is


Love! O, Love!


Thou melancholy thought, which art so fluttering and so sweet, to thee

When did i give the liberty

Thus to afflict my heart?

What is the cause of this new power

Which doth my fevered being move,

Momently raging more and more?

What subtle pain is kindled now,

Which from my heart doth overflow

Into my senses?


Love! O, Love!


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