Our August 19th meeting will be at McHose City Park in Boone, Iowa. 4:00 PM. It is also our family picnic and election of new officers for the 2000-2001 year. The District is providing a hog and members Mike and Jill Ludwick have said they will cook it for us! Bring a covered dish, and your beverages. Here is a list of the people who are up for election...

Coordinator...Ron Beaston & Mike Ludwick

Assistant Coordinator...Jerry Scott, Mike Ludwick & Ron Beaston

Secretary...Jill Ludwick & Sue Barkema

Treasurer...Teresa Boyer

Legislative Officer...Mike Mesenbrink

Seargeant At Arms...Bob Boyer & Marty Elmore

Events Coordinator...Ron Beaston & Henry Imberti

Inventory Officer...Mick Hunter

County Rep...Mike Ludwick, Ron Beaston, Kris Franken & Amy Steenhoek

Membership Officer...Mark Litchfield

You must be a member of District 25 to vote. Please have you membership cards with you. See you August 19th.