THERE she is!!


Welcome to my BLUE'S CLUES page! Come inside and meet the cast of one of the greatest show's NICK JR has to offer. I have been a fan of this kids show since the beginning, and the program never ceases to amaze me. It's wholesome, fun, entertaining for all ages, and very educational for our young-ones. Please take your time and look around!


This is Steve. He is Blue's owner and guardian. They have LOTS of fun searching for BLUE'S CLUES together! Steve puts all of the clues in his handy-dandy notebook, sits in his thinking chair and THINKS... and with our help, (Blue's help, too!) we're able to figure out BLUE'S CLUES!!

Here's TICKITY-TOCK.. everyone's FAVORITE clock! She's always SO excited when it's time to get the handy-dandy notebook out and search for BLUE'S CLUES. Isn't she cute??

Who is Blue's cleanest and sudsiest friend around?? SLIPPERY SOAP of course! Yes, it's true that we have soap in all of our bathrooms, but NONE can compare to Blue's pal.. Look at those bubbles!

You can't have one without the other.. Shovel and Pail are the best of friends! Look at those smiles!

The happily married couple of Blue's and Steve's kitchen. This is Mr Salt and Mrs Pepper: Ever see French salt and pepper before? You have now! :o) Oh! And how could I forget.. Mr Salt and Mrs Pepper's pride and Paprika!

Through rain, sleet, snow, or black of night! Through floods, tornadoes, or ... uhm.. nevermind. HEY! IT'S MAILBOX! Please click the picture to hear the song that our faithful MAILBOX inspires!

MAGENTA! Everyones favorite pink pup, and Blue's best friend! (With the exception of Steve, of course). Not only are they classmates, but these 2 young ladies love to frolick and play in the yard after a hard day of studying!

Blue skadoo, we can too! FELT FRIENDS! Usually found in the pictures hanging in Blue's and Steve's house, these 2 love to get involved with the search for those tiny blue pawprints! Hmm, maybe we should pay closer attention to our pictures on the wall..

Everyone is welcome here at BLUE'S CLUES!

Blue has many friends, and she is very lucky to have these companions so near to her. Some of her other friends, though (like Baby Bear, for example..) do not have pictures available (that I've been able to find..) but she loves them all very much. We should all be so lucky.

BLUE'S CLUES makes the learning experience fun for children. They learn right from wrong, how to deal with things or people when you're angry, and how working together can help solve problems. It's very reassuring to see there are still programs like this available for our kids!

NOTE: No, I do not have kids of my own, but I love children.. and growing up with the Muppets and Sesame Street helped me appreciate the fun learning that they offered. :o)

Uh oh.. Blue is looking pretty tired.. I think it may be past her bedtime. THANK YOU for visiting us here, we hope you enjoyed our page!

Now it's time for so long....

A special thank you to....

We miss you! Come back soon!