My Mommy

No, she isnt posing, this is a trimmed pic of her holding my niece! :) Isn't she beautiful?

In grade school, in perhaps the 2nd or 3rd grade, we had a project... we wrote out a story, and drew a picture that supported said story. I chose to wrote about when we went camping and fishing. The final line of it was, "Even though she's silly sometimes, I still love her.." We got a great laugh out of that line.. but Im thankful that Ive inherited her 'silliness'...and craftiness (as in, glue and paint, not sneakiness.. altho a bit of that too!)

My StepDaddy!

A lovely profile shot.. again, a clipped pic.. he's also holding my niece in this shot. I'll con him out of a better pic sometime!

I do believe it was love at first sight for these two. Mom, to this day, thinks me and my friend Linda tricked her into visiting. (short note: lin was sick, i was taking her some movies..) He came walkin down the street, and when they were introduced.. they hugged! It was so adorable! Now, he's the kind to act all tough and stuff on the outside... but on the inside.. he's a teddybear (or is that Grizz??) How do i know this? One halloween, I was helping with a 'haunted trail'.. some smart@sses threw stuff at me and the girl with me (we were dressed as witches). They put the trail on hold, and when my stepdad found out, he RAN up the halfmile trail to check on me. I was so shocked, the only thing I could think of to say was, "What are you doing here??" It wasnt meant how it sounded.. It meant alot seeing him there. and if he didnt know that then.. he knows it now ;)

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