Recipe for Friendship
Fold two hands together
And express a dash of sorrow
Marinate it overnight
And work on it tomorrow.
Chop one grudge in tiny pieces
Add several cups of love.
Dredge with a large sized smile
Mix with the ingredients above.
Dissolve the hate within you,
By doing a good deed,
Cut in and help your friend,
If he should be in need.
Stir in laughter, love, and kindness
From the heart it has to come,
Toss with genuine forgiveness
And give your neighbor some.
The amount of people served
Will depend on you,
It can serve the whole wide world,
If you really want it to.
I would like to give a special thanks to everyone for all the encouragement and help they have given me. These are very special people, so please visit their sites. They are exciting, fun, and beautiful. Lots of graphics, poems, games and so much more! Have fun!!!!
Frecs is a very special friend. Her site is the coolest place!!
A must see site! Great...
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This is a wonderful place to visit!!
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