Name: |
Address: |
City: |
Province/State: |
Country: |
Postal Code: |
Telephone: |
Age: | Driver's License #: |
If under 18, name and signature of parent or guardian
Name of horse: |
Reason for wanting to adopt: (use additional sheet if required}
Experience with horses: |
Intended use:
Facilities (complete land and outbuilding description): |
Reference 1: Name
Address Phone: |
Reference 2: Name
Address Phone: |
Reference 3: Name
Address Phone: |
Reference 4: Name
Address Phone: |
Reference 5: Name
Address Phone: |
Reference 1: Name
Address Phone: |
Reference 2: Name
Address Phone: |
Reference 3: Name
Address Phone: |
Approved | Not approved |
1: | 2: |
3: | 4: |
5: | 6: |
Please note that any adoption will be subjected to inspection without
notification, and any horse that is not looked after to our standards may
be removed without notice.