Genie Jokes

A man was walking on the beach, and saw something gleaming in the sun. He went  over to the object and dug it out of the sand. He looked at it carefully, and thought to himself, 'This looks like the lamp from the Aladdin stories. Can't be. No matter,  it'll look nice on the mantle anyway.'
As he walked on, he started dusting the sand of the lamp and out pops a genie. The man said, "Well, how about that - a genie. Now I get three wishes."
The genie said."Oh no you don't! Due to fiscal restraints and financial cutbacks, we are only granting one wish per customer."
The man says. "That's easy then. I want to be rich!"
The genie says. "Due to fiscal restraints and financial cutbacks, we can no longer grant wishes of a financial nature."
The man says. "Then I want a brand new house!"
The genie says. "Due to fiscal restraints and financial cutbacks, we can no longer grant wishes of real estate."
The man says."That only leaves me one option. I want what every red-blooded man wants. I want three women in my bed!"
The genie says. "Due to fiscal restraints and financial cutbacks, there will be a delay in granting all wishes."
The man thought for a while and told the genie that the wait would be no problem. A week later, the man woke up and found that his wish had indeed come true, and there were three women in his bed. He started to lie back and enjoy himself, and he realized that the women were Tanya Harding , Lorena Bobbit and Hilary Clinton. Do you know what he had?
Two broken knees, no sex organs and no health care!

