Preaching the Word of Jesus Christ!

Reaching the World for Jesus Christ!

Through The Church of Jesus Christ!


Preaching the Gospel

To Win the Lost to Christ

To Equip the Saints for Service to Christ

To Build Up the Church -- The Body of Christ

To Prepare God's People for the Coming of Christ

Bill Rambo has pastored Southern Baptist Churches in Texas, Oklahoma and Illinois. The churches ranged in size from small rural churches to his last pastorate with over 2,000 members. Dr. Rambo strongly believes in the local church and is supportive of the pastor and his calling to be the undershepherd of God's people. His policy is to accept invitations regardless of size or location, with the request that the church receive a love offering. If the church is able, he would appreciate help with travel expenses.

Please contact Dr. Rambo




Snail Mail

402 Lenora Street

Jacksonville, Texas 75766

Acknowledgment is graciously provided to
& to ITC
Other graphics were located in the public domain. If we have failed to provide credit, please E-Mail us and let us know.
You are listening to As My Father Has Sent Me

© 1998 Rambo Evangelistic Ministries, Inc.

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