Welcome to The Solace Sanctuary Chat!
This chat-room has been established in hopes that it would provide another means of support for those suffering from Bipolar Disorder (Manic-depression).  Or for anyone suffering from a mental illness.  Think of it as a safe-haven where everyone finally understands you.

You may witness several changes to this page as I become more familiar with this chat room stuff.  I hope it's frequented enough for me to keep it up!  Please enjoy!  

Email me if you discover any problems or have any suggestions for this humble (eh hum) web designer. 

A password is not required to enter the chat room although it asks for one.  If the need arises then I will start requiring them. 

One more odd little catch - A near and dear friend is allowing me to use the chat service their ISP provides for them (they don't use it) and when you log off the chat room it brings you to their front page.  What can I say?  I couldn't find a free service that offered chat rooms (but I'm still looking).  Have fun kids!  I'll be in from time to time.

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Last updated: 1/2/99