The Black Connection for DC thunderbolt gif

Registration Guestbook

BlackDC's mission is to help promote the growth and development of Black-owned businesses iin the DC metropolitan area. We will list your business for free as long as we are able to continue providing this service. There are no advertising charges, and the only fees involved are the setup charge for the extended description of your business ($20 for up to 75 words), and the $5.00 charge for each additional category. Just fill in the information below and we will post your free listing within 2-3 weeks. You will be sent an invoice via e-mail and your extended description and additional categories will be posted after receipt of payment. You may leave comments, or the description of your business for your expanded listing in the text boxes below.

Business Name:

Business Address:

City :

State :

Postal Code:

Country :

Contact Name:

Contact Title:

Phone Number:

Fax Number:

E-mail Address:

Hompage URL:

Category (or Categories) for Listing:

Consulting Firms
Contracting Firms
Design Firms
Retail Businesses
Professional Service Firms
Wholesale Businesses
Miscellaneous Businesses
Colleges and Universities
International Business

The first category is free, each additional category is $5.00.

Business Description ($20 for up to 75 words - You will be sent an e-mail invoice ):


How did you find us?:

BlackDC gif

BlackDC's Guestbook has been visited counter times since May 13, 1997.