Spank-Happy Links

In order not at all influenced by offers of money, sex, or cheese.

Sluggy Freelance
Okay, this is basically a comic strip webpage deal, but it's hilarious, and there's this cute little bunny...

Another comic strip webpage, but it has a goat!! Kick ass!

The Urban Legends Reference Page
This site kicks ass. Go here to find out if those annoying forwards you always get are REALLY true.

The Internet Movie Database
Not only does this contain every movie ever made, but also every tv show, actress, actor, director, grip, etc...

Munchkin's home page
Yes, the Munchkin has her own corner of the internet.

Mishy's home page
She updates more than I do.

Smashing Pumpkins
This is the best Pumpkins source on the internet... I swear, if you can't find it here, it's on one of the page's links.
